just a preliminary question DJ. do you believe that anthropogenic (meaning caused by us) climate change is real or fake?
Originally Posted by pxmcc
There is no context to this. We can make changes all day long, but as long as other nations spew shit into the air, it really doesn't matter what we do. Outside this bullshit, brandon wants everybody in electric cars which will mean our grid and power plants will suffer. That stupid senile old bastard doesn't even know what day it is, much less be able to be in charge of bumping up power plants and the lines that feed peoples homes.
You hate Trump so much and have your nose up brandons ass so far if he stops you will break your own nose, you seem to be immune to how much brandon is fucking up our country. For those who claim to love brandon because he's a democrat, that's one thing. I grew up in a democratic household, father was a long term union man, I was a 40 year union worker, however this shit show of a democratic party isn't anywhere near the democratic party I grew up with. Most of these fucking democrats can't even describe what a woman is, that's how fucked up their party is.
Lastly you're use of the word anthropogeinc is nothing but a hot dog move made to make you look intelligent, while we laugh at you going the extra mile to show how intelligent you may be. This is a hobby board, not MENSA, and we don't give a shit about you're showing off words you never use.