party ...plannin small ...bbw needed

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man throwin ...a hawaiian themed gatherin ...of elites an was hopin ta ...gain ...the services of ones a the smaller ...blubber funnels

...the idear ta haves this creature ...rotatin on a sorts a spit overs ...a fake fire whiles yer ...plastic mans ...exclusive guests take turns marinatin the ball a ...flesh with ...various ...sauces

...funnel musts ...provide ...their own transportation an be ables ta hold apple ins their craw fer three ...hours

...payment will be a large bowl ...a poi
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Aloha! Whew

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Aloha! Whew

Originally Posted by Carlos Danger

I like it better when ya post food
pick from the menu please n try again
Plastic Man's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Heavy screening underway for post convention duos whew

Carlos Danger's Avatar
New PiXXX. Whew

bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
id take that over scabs. bruises. pimps. havin to shoot someone that tries to do a rough up robbery.
Plastic Man's Avatar
cows people too jimmie littledongpappysub
Wow lol, every scum bag troll in upstate in one thread. Just missing least best thing.

Mystery?I don't think so.
Coincidence? I doubt it.

Hotel? Trivago
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wow lol, every scum bag troll in upstate in one thread. Just missing least best thing. Originally Posted by LadyLucy
Excellent example of how our perspective influences the way we experience things.

From my point of view it's board luminaries performing/entertaining, and in response an assortment of fat ugly whores whose feeling have been hurt pretending that they maintain the moral high ground. On a message board whose theme is prostitution.

Now you can be happy that all of your favorites have finally chimed in. You're welcome.