Ladies and decide.'ve been seeing this client for two plus years. He's probably 10-15 years older than you, reasonably fit not fat, but he's definitely not porn star material.
However, its obvious he tries to show up on time, clean and sober. The few times he's had to cancel, he's always given a minimum of 24 hours notice. He always leaves politely when time is up.
At first, he only saw you every few months. However, over the last 9 months or so, frequency has increased to at least once a month....sometimes twice. In the beginning, donations were always as specified. This past year or so, he's started leaving an extra 10-20% in the envelope.
He bought you a birthday present.
Not always, but once in a while, his emails setting up an appointment, or thanking for a good time, sound like they were written by a moonstruck teenager.
Ladies? What do you do with a client like this? Encourage? What if he starts seeing you weekly? Good client? A trick you want to get as much business from as you can before you kick him to the curb?
Guy? Is this guy in trouble?