Snowmageddon!! Questions from an out of towner...

Grace Preston's Avatar
So, how good (or bad) is this city about the roads when heavy snow hits? Trying to get an idea of how prepared I should be for tomorrow. Wasn't expecting this when I booked my trip a couple weeks back... ugh!!
Adeptus32's Avatar
Snow is not uncommon here, so the area is generally able to take care of the main thoroughfares city wide. Of course, results will vary based on the intensity and duration of the storm. The side streets will vary greatly depending on where you are staying. If you are in one of the more affluent burbs, you'll generally get your street treated/plowed within a day. If you are in KC proper, it can be 48 hours or more.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, but he is from Dallas. He's screwed. Probably nothing like you've seen before. The plow will be out in the morning doing a pre-treatment but when the snow starts mid-morning the average IQ will drop about 30 pts. Then you have to look out for SUVs, teenagers, and people from southern states.
Grace Preston's Avatar
"He".. is a "She"... :P

I've seen big snow before. I spent a good chunk of time in the Northeast. But I know how much Texas sucks when it snows and wasn't sure how it compared prep wise here
DallasRain's Avatar
I always wait till spring or fall...I cant stand cold OR unpredictable winter weather blasts

have fun!
I was worried about that before my trip there. Luckily for me I was good except for the temps. Snuggle weather. But if it had been bad I would have cancelled the trip. Sorry .... I am not worried about my driving but like mentioned above you have to be on the look out for teenagers and those people who have 4 wheel drives, they get better traction but still stop the same as a 2 wheel drive. Just sayin' ...

Hopefully it won't be that bad and it will all go good for you hun.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah.. I usually gamble by coming this far north in February, but it normally works out. This time--- yeah-- looks like I'm gonna be staring at the walls most of the week
Yeah.. I usually gamble by coming this far north in February, but it normally works out. This time--- yeah-- looks like I'm gonna be staring at the walls most of the week Originally Posted by GracePreston

Well hopefully it will all work out for you hun
FrankieP's Avatar
The crews are already out salting the roads and highways. We've had worse. Still, getting around tomorrow evening and Wednesday will be a pain it the ass. If I were you I'd get out and do something tonight. You may be a little stuck for the next night or so.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So, how good (or bad) is this city about the roads when heavy snow hits? Trying to get an idea of how prepared I should be for tomorrow. Wasn't expecting this when I booked my trip a couple weeks back... ugh!! Originally Posted by GracePreston
Just wear boots. Nothing to do with the snow, I just like gals in boots.

Seriously, as long as whereever you'll be is on a main road, no issues. KC has snow plows. Tues eve rush hour will be fun, but that's about it. Find a vantage point and be amused watching the folks that don't know how to drive in the first place, try to drive in a little snow.
  • KCboy
  • 02-04-2014, 06:59 AM
This city sucks when snow hits! They wait till it stops before plowing in most cases! Salt what's that? Since most people here don't drive in snow often enough there are way too many accidents that could have been ignored ! Stay in if you can
Yeah.. I usually gamble by coming this far north in February, but it normally works out. This time--- yeah-- looks like I'm gonna be staring at the walls most of the week Originally Posted by GracePreston
Sweetheart Ill be plowing tonite and Ive never had sex in a snow whadya thinkin??
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Sweetheart Ill be plowing tonite and Ive never had sex in a snow whadya thinkin?? Originally Posted by BigDeal
Well, if you get distracted and go off the road, you can just say it was a break down lane.
LongRodder's Avatar
Plowing followed by more plowing. He's on to something there...
Gladiator69's Avatar
Yeah.. I usually gamble by coming this far north in February, but it normally works out. This time--- yeah-- looks like I'm gonna be staring at the walls most of the week Originally Posted by GracePreston
I've never missed a date with a beautiful woman due to weather. To most of us in the "midwest" this is nothing. If I was there I would not miss my date with ya!