Hey guys regarding the BAD reviews I recieved last Monday

I had a very bad week to start ok, lost my son to my ex and my monthly deal came out of nowhere way too soon. Not anyones fault but mine. However, I offered to make it up to those 2 guys for $100 for the hour and totally GFE MSOG to my best ability and they refused. I just wanted to let you guys know that I tried to fix and makeup for the bad situation.

Im very sorry that my week started off very poor and its no one's fault but mine, but as providers we do have bad outside situations and sometimes we don't have the means to deal with it at times but once again I apologize to the guys and I am hopeing that this can be resolved. Thanks and go RANGERS!!!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
So what happened in El Paso?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
If Aunt Flo came a little early and you communicated properly with the gentleman, what reason would there be for a bad review?
Class apology..good luck with your future appointments and I am looking forward to reading some really hot reviews of you in the very near future. By the way I am not her white night and have not met her but I do think she handled this well.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Sorry to hear the issue about your son. Good luck and kudos for addressing the issue as you did.
Very mature, everyone has bad weeks. Most won't hold it against you (I won't).
Just keep making fantasies come true for us hobbyist.
Sleepy363's Avatar

I appreciate you apologizing, but to clear up a couple of things, in your first pm apologizing, you quoted a price of 145, which was actually more than when I saw you before with the bad session. In the 2nd pm, you dropped your offer to 120, which still didn't seem like much of an offer for someone wanting to make up for a session in which it seemed like you didn't want to be there at all.

I don't think you would have had any bad reviews had you mentioned prior to the session that you were on your period and gave us the chance to reschedule to another date and time. Not telling your clients and letting them find out for themselves is not the way to approach it. It can potentially be a health issue if you expose clients to bloodborne pathogens!

I understand that ladies have bad days. I appreciate the fact that you apologized, but if you are having a bad day or if you are on your period, then let us know beforehand so we can reschedule and so we don't go through with a bad experience like this. Hopefully it's a learning experience for you on how to approach clients when you have days like this. If you do, it will help you down the line and allow you to easily make up for the bad reviews with plenty of good reviews.

Good luck to you.
daddyo67's Avatar
When the lady says and I quote: (I have no one to blame but my self)

why keep throwing rocks??
When the lady says and I quote: (I have no one to blame but my self)

why keep throwing rocks?? Originally Posted by daddyo67
+1. Exactly what I was thinking. Thank you for saying it. She did a great job owning her mistakes.
Sleepy363's Avatar
When the lady says and I quote: (I have no one to blame but my self)

why keep throwing rocks?? Originally Posted by daddyo67
I wasn't throwing rocks. Certainly not meant that way. I cleared up the price offer. I explained a way to avoid the bad reviews, and I wished her well. I don't think there is anything wrong with explaining the biggest reason for the bad reviews and offering a bit of advice on how to improve.
CenterLock's Avatar
After reading and re-reading still-asleep's post, I cannot see anything close to throwing rocks. I agree that gfelala's post was written well and - for me - should have been the end of it. But the post by still-asleep was (uncharacteristically in the case of replies to provider explanations / apologies) equally level-headed. I was just amazed it went so smoothly.

I do appreciate that "shit happens " and I do hope all goes well with your son (no one is in your shoes but you) and this explanation was handled well. I wish you luck in the future.
But she can't post on your review. I kind of think it's bad form for you to post on her rebuttal. Your review stands without her comment. Her rebuttal should stand without yours. Especially since she owned her mistakes. Just my opinion.
CenterLock's Avatar
I agree with that but more as an implementation issue of reviews and rebuttals than anything. As I said, her rebuttal (although not even that - more an explanation) should have been the end IN MY OPINION. That isn't, however, how these are structured. The reviewers comments were germane to the issues raised and presented maturely and without malice. While they weren't needed - they also weren't the typical train wreck either.

IMHO - Provider rebuttals / comments / explanations should be a separate thread writable only by the provider and attached permanently to the review in question not stuck off in another forum.
But that's just me.
I agree. I think that would be a great change, CL. And I didn't mean to be rude or mean to still-asleep, if I was. I agree that both parties did remain very civil and respectful, which was a nice change. Kudos to them both. I just wish the reviews/rebuttals worked more like what you suggested.
TinMan's Avatar
Traci, to me the difference is that still-asleep is sharing information that wasn't in the public domain (i.e., it was unavailable to people without Premium Access). Once all the "sharing" is done and this becomes a dogpile, then I agree it's time to close the thread.

I hope the lady responds before that happens.