Trump has saved 2 million American lives

winn dixie's Avatar

Reality check for the nay sayer lefties!

Newt hits it right on point!
winn dixie's Avatar
Great read! Absolute truth!
If one looks at the very top of the referenced link it clearly says OPINION. Title of this thread is a prime example of what is wrong in media today in general (and I mean this for both Left and Right), as it implies the heading as fact which imprints on those too lazy to analyze. I'd prefer to think for myself.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Written by a totally unbiased person -- Newt Gingrich.

I said before that the death estimates I remember in the beginning of the pandemic was between 100,000 and 250,000 if steps were taken to contain the virus - shutting down if necessary, social distancing and wearing masks. We will be exceeding that 250,000 estimate very soon. We will avoid the 2 million death toll because people have listned to people like Dr. Fauci and Birx and did not follow Trump's example.

Trump has continued to ignore the social distancing and mask wearing advised by most of those in the medical profession. How many people at the White House might have avoided contracting the coronavirus had they done so? Yesterday Trump held a rally in Pennsylvania where few wore masks and everyone was packed together. Having just caught the virus and after his release from the hospital claiming he learned a great deal obout it, one would think he would know better.
Right on Speedracer. Only disagreement is that I think Woodward has proven that he knew and should know better. Only reinforces my thesis to give me FACTS, not opinion, even if you're POTUS. I prefer to think for myself.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yes it was labeled opinion. But his article is spot on and cannot be contested. With the exception of the lefties who wont give Trump his due!

Trump has saved 2 million people! And kept the economy going!

Trump is a Saint! + 2 million
winn dixie's Avatar
Right on Speedracer. Only disagreement is that I think Woodward has proven that he knew and should know better. Only reinforces my thesis to give me FACTS, not opinion, even if you're POTUS. I prefer to think for myself. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Says the person who spews the lsm doctrine that was told to him!
WD- Do you really want to say that the opinion piece referenced can't be contested?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Not only does it say "Opinion" on it but the article is by newt gingrich.
I'm sure there must be a more biased trump supporter but I'm at a loss to name them.
If one looks at the very top of the referenced link it clearly says OPINION. Title of this thread is a prime example of what is wrong in media today in general (and I mean this for both Left and Right), as it implies the heading as fact which imprints on those too lazy to analyze. I'd prefer to think for myself. Originally Posted by reddog1951
winn dixie's Avatar
+ 2 million lives while biden was gagged and hiding in the basement!
winn dixie's Avatar
WD- Do you really want to say that the opinion piece referenced can't be contested? Originally Posted by reddog1951
It can be by unqualified opinions like yours!

Its a hard pill to swallow huh, that Big T has this! And beat it!
WD - Off topic from thread, but must point this out. Big T got it and survived... BUT.
He had every precaution unavailable to ordinary citizens (yes, he is POTUS granted), tested daily, contacts tested, etc., yet still got it. OK. shit happens to us all whether we deserve it or not, but he did not follow guidelines for prevention recommended by his own administration. So be it. But, he got it and therefore, by nature of his office, got medical care way beyond that available to the rest of us at OUR expense. Yet the "billionaire" has paid almost no personal federal income tax for years, certainly a hell of a lot less than me.

So back on topic, if you'd like to debate the referenced article against hard facts, I'm game. Only rule is, citation of credible scientific fact, no opinion sources allowed.
Lapdog's Avatar
Yes it was labeled opinion. But his article is spot on and cannot be contested. With the exception of the lefties who wont give Trump his due!

Trump has saved 2 million people! And kept the economy going!

Trump is a Saint! + 2 million Originally Posted by winn dixie

210,000 dead Americans would not agree if they were still around not to agree.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Watch the new documentary out today on OnDemand.

It's called (don't laugh) "Totally Under Control"

It should be very revealing.
adav8s28's Avatar

Reality check for the nay sayer lefties!

Newt hits it right on point! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The CV19 virus is still infecting people. Newt G. can't give any type of final number regarding how many people Trump did or did not save.