Well anyone with any common sense already knew this

berryberry's Avatar
Investigation Reveals White House Press Corps Is 12 To 1 Democrat

Research for a new book out next week reveals an implicit bias present throughout the White House press corps: Reporters attending in-person briefings rank 12:1 Democrat to Republican.

In “Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, and Bias: Why the Press Gets So Much Wrong―And Just Doesn’t Care,” Fox News Contributor and former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer unearths the political affiliations of those present at a White House briefing on June 7, 2021.

“Every seat was filled for the first time in over a year as the social distancing rules resulting from the COVID pandemic were relaxed,” Fleischer wrote in an excerpt shared exclusively with The Federalist. “By a ratio of 12:1, the seats were occupied by Democrats!”

Fleischer drew upon research solicited by the D.C.-based investigative firm Delve, which combed through publicly available data.

“I guess the good news is that the ratio wasn’t 24:0, like it was during my encounters with students at Columbia Journalism School. It was only 12:1,” Fleischer wrote. “No matter how you cut it, the White House briefing room does not look, sound, or register to vote like America.”

Towson University tenured Professor Richard Vatz, who specializes in political persuasion and rhetoric, told The Federalist that Fleischer’s discovery “echoes findings over many decades.”

“In major media survey after major media survey [1962-1996, journalists of ‘national media,’ ‘Washington Press Corps,’ etc., were found to be overwhelmingly liberal, and in poll after poll they voted for Democrats,” Vatz said.

rmg_35's Avatar
Once again. Propaganda bullshit radical right-wing nonsense from totally unreliable news sources... the Federalist and Faux news contributors. Anybody with any common sense would see through the bullshit.
rmg_35's Avatar

Above is a link to a media bias chart. The basis for mostly all of your posts in here, like the one above today come from radical right-wing bias propaganda bullshit.
berryberry's Avatar
Once again, when people can not refute the facts in a post they trot out their tired "right wing" propaganda lies

It's quite sad they think that any new outlet that is not a mouthpiece for the DNC is right wing propaganda. They should try reading and learning instead of being so close minded

Is research solicited by the D.C.-based investigative firm Delve right wing propaganda

How about Towson University tenured Professor Richard Vatz?

The State University of California at Los Angeles?

The University of Colorado’s Media Studies Center and Cornell University’s Roper Center

Educate yourself !!!
rmg_35's Avatar
You need to educate yourself. Everything is not fake news unless you happen to get it from unreliable news sources. Trump lost the election, there was not evidence of massive voter fraud. January 6 was a massive insurrection. Trump is a lier and a traitor. All the Republicans that have testified under oath say Trump is guilty. All the people who refuse to testify say Trump is innocent. They refuse to testify because they will be guilty of perjury or they were involved in his crimes. So again, educate yourself.
berryberry's Avatar
You need to educate yourself. Everything is not fake news unless you happen to get it from unreliable news sources. Trump lost the election, there was not evidence of massive voter fraud. January 6 was a massive insurrection. Trump is a lier and a traitor. All the Republicans that have testified under oath say Trump is guilty. All the people who refuse to testify say Trump is innocent. They refuse to testify because they will be guilty of perjury or they were involved in his crimes. So again, educate yourself. Originally Posted by rmg_35
What the hell are you talking about? This thread is about "Investigation Reveals White House Press Corps Is 12 To 1 Democrat". None of that babble you posted is relevant to this thread, let alone making any sense

Please stay on topic