Liberal, yes. Socialist, no.

  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2019, 08:58 AM
We all know CO2 is a necessary part of the biosphere for plant life. Part of the cycle
I have not seen the case where SC defined CO2 as a pollutant - but that would be good reason to keep the Law away from Science - lawyers are not scientists.

Excess CO2 production, and its' effects on the ecology - are a concern - No question.

It is the associated toxins and excess CO2 that is the problem.
I agree with that summation, oeb. CO2 IS necessary for life on earth, but not in quantities that are larger than needed. CO2 in the atmosphere is another animal altogether. I believe that measuring CO2 in the lower levels of the atmosphere is child's play for NASA scientists. I believe that scientists warning about the impact of elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are worth heeding. Nitrates are also necessary for ecological health, but we are introducing too many / too much synthetic nitrates. We need selenium, too. But we're releasing too much into the environment.

The Supreme Court decision about CO2 was a surprise, considering when it happened. And that was a HUGE fight. But it was necessary, in my estimation. That decision was needed to break a logjam of legal fights and related decisions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is misleading. they don't mention other green house gasses that are in play in our atmosphere.

very likely, the supreme court got mislead on the merits of CO2.
I wanted to write the word "ditto" when responding to earlier posts by tiny and oeb. Just when I'm ready to give up on this board I read their posts. They present logic and knowledge and curiosity. I've grown frustrated at the childish name-calling on this board, and I gotta say that this name-calling follows the example of our president. He reduces people to mean-spirited slang. You may not agree with someone, but that doesn't mean they're a dope or shallow or greedy or crude or uneducated. I don't agree with AOC on certain ideas but I think she's mostly sincere and well meaning. I don't agree with Mitt Romney, but I think he's mostly sincere and well-meaning. I disliked Paul Ryan's politics, but he seemed like a decent person. Of course, how is the average joe to know, to really know, what makes our decision-makers tick? You judge them by their votes and their statements and their intonation and their mannerisms and their civility. It's a crap shoot, in many respects. We're all vulnerable to commit mistakes and fall prey to bad judgment.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2019, 07:18 PM
A- Agreed and Thank You.
Seems this Forum has been much more civil and constructive lately with the "absence" of some of the major miscreants.

As i posted - Ignore the Trolls - Do Not Respond. They feed off the anger they deliberately provoke in their posts.
Sorry- a bit off topic - but constructive.