Aggressive Behavior

  • hd
  • 08-16-2013, 02:24 PM
I've thought about this human trait for some time and it has bothered me with relation to our life style. Primarily within the AMP ranks but I assume it happens with our indie ladies also, though I won't make a guess on how prevalent it is. And this is only my opinion and viewpoint that I've formed from reading articles out there and in here, so don't come down on me, it's only my opinion. I'm sure you have yours?

I've enjoyed frequenting the amps b/c of ease and accessibility, and the many choices. Other times the indie drives my desires. I've read many reviews, whether good or bad, and often reading between the lines I may sense aggressiveness in the client's demeanor on how he treats the provider, and when it's not part of the role play, it just ain't right. Our hobby should be agreeable and pleasurable for both parties.

So, to you Neanderthals out there that have excess testosterone running out of your ears, take up a contact sport with your buddies and kick each other's ass on the court or out on the field and not in the bed.
I agree with what you're saying. Of course there are some, on both sides of the fence, that enjoy the overly aggressive behavior. Personally, I try to treat the ladies that I see the way that I'd want to be treated if I was in their position. I saw a lady at an AMP this week and she treated me incredibly well after a slow start due to her being new and very nervous. It was clear she was nervous and she actually told me she was. She told me that the majority of the clients she had seen before me this week, which is her first week here, were "very aggressive."

Now some ladies just aren't cut out for this business at all and that's another story, and it's possibly that this is the case with the lady I saw this week and enjoyed. I have heard it numerous times that the expectations and aggressiveness in Dallas is worse than it is in other cities, but I'm just the messenger on that and would have no way to verify that. Of course some providers are pretty aggressive in their own right and if they enjoy that and don't mind that, then that's their call. Again, I do agree with your main point though.
Never been to an AMP but I'm always a gentlemen. Men that abuse women are scum.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Aggressive guys make money, kick ass, and get the girl. Pussies get run over - the way of the world.
Aggressive guys make money, kick ass, and get the girl. Pussies get run over - the way of the world. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I make plenty of money, kick ass when I need to and have never had a problem "getting girls" so treating women with respect and being aggressive aren't correlated.
Tall, sweet salt and pepper is how I introduce myself to the ladies and that's how I am when I see them, "sweet"!
I never negotiate for a deal either! Aggressive sex is another thing and is at my or my ladies request. I've secured an adventure, I'm confident, respectful, courteous and act as a gentleman should act. There is no need for me to walk in and prove anything by displaying aggressive behavior. I can't stand assholes. I usually ask if most guy's are nice to them and usually they will say yes but there was this one guy and he was a pure asshole. So sad to hear!

Hd +1, I'm right there with you!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I make plenty of money, kick ass when I need to and have never had a problem "getting girls" so treating women with respect and being aggressive aren't correlated. Originally Posted by jfdallas
I don't have a problem "getting girls" either, especially when I have 300 bucks in my pocket!
Nevertheless, aggressive guys get somewhere in life, and women love them. Women hate wimpy -ass losers, just ask them.
JL, he didn't say anything about being an aggressive person in general. I agree with your thoughts. But a smart man is wise about how he disburses his energy. This is not the arena to exert your aggression. Self esteem and ego are two different things. Some men view this as another way to abuse, and to make themselves feel superior.

I told a man today on Twitter that asking a woman for a discount on top of a special wouldn't make her feel good about meeting him, and that when a woman is happy everyone is happy. He flat out told me that was the attitude of a wife or GF, and wouldn't hire an escort that needed to be happy.

I didn't understand the thought process. What is the general energy behind it? Is it to make escorts quit, a Christian ploy to make women be virtuous? To show a lady 'this is what you get when you're a hooker'? To debase them for the decision so they regret it later? To make them hate men?

This is why I screen for chemistry. I really appreciate the thoughtful men that I've encountered being a Companion. When you don't view the people you interact with as equals, or aren't considerate of how you impact others, you show your weakness and insecurity.

I'm loving your tag line, HD. It is definitely all about the ride.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I wish a motherfucker would
pyramider's Avatar
Hey, I have fucked plenty of mothers ... I have also tainted a bunch, too.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL, he didn't say anything about being an aggressive person in general. I agree with your thoughts. But a smart man is wise about how he disburses his energy. This is not the arena to exert your aggression. Self esteem and ego are two different things. Some men view this as another way to abuse, and to make themselves feel superior.

I told a man today on Twitter that asking a woman for a discount on top of a special wouldn't make her feel good about meeting him, and that when a woman is happy everyone is happy. He flat out told me that was the attitude of a wife or GF, and wouldn't hire an escort that needed to be happy.

I didn't understand the thought process. What is the general energy behind it? Is it to make escorts quit, a Christian ploy to make women be virtuous? To show a lady 'this is what you get when you're a hooker'? To debase them for the decision so they regret it later? To make them hate men?

This is why I screen for chemistry. I really appreciate the thoughtful men that I've encountered being a Companion. When you don't view the people you interact with as equals, or aren't considerate of how you impact others, you show your weakness and insecurity.

I'm loving your tag line, HD. It is definitely all about the ride. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
OK - good point. I'm not so much aggressive with women as perhaps I'm authoritative. If she says no, I'll just move along.
I wish a motherfucker would Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

Ima bitch slap you till the cows come home! IJS
I don't have a problem "getting girls" either, especially when I have 300 bucks in my pocket!
Nevertheless, aggressive guys get somewhere in life, and women love them. Women hate wimpy -ass losers, just ask them. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
While you are onto something there is a Fine line between confidence and aggression. Women love confidence, most respond negatively to agression against them. However if you are agressive to someone trying to harm her, that is typically a turn on.

Women dig confidence not agression. Agression is a sign you have lost control of yourself and the situation. There is nothing sexy about that.
pyramider's Avatar
There are some on this board that do take the aggression thing too far. Such as throwing a lady across the room, slapping her around, etc.
BBW Katrina's Avatar many licks does it take to get to center of a motherfucker?
Kendall.....daaaaamn Gina! You know what's up!