Coming Aopart at the Seams

Looks like some are finally realizing the reality of the situation and the reality of Trump. Better late than never. I guess.
Lapdog's Avatar
Man, it sure took 'em long enough, Jam. I had that sorry bastard's number before he ever even declared his 3rd bankruptcy. Too many folks are just gullible, slow learners.
winn dixie's Avatar

c'mon man
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you don’t like it, you can always pound that rtm button.

Or, you can do what I did with you ...

winn dixie's Avatar
If you don’t like it, you can always pound that rtm button.

Or, you can do what I did with you ...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah. I can see that
Truth hurts doesn't it trixie. Join the real world for once. Mix in something on occasion other than those bogus sites you favor that do nothing besides spoonfeed you justification for all of Trump's lies
winn dixie's Avatar
Truth hurts doesn't it trixie. Join the real world for once. Mix in something on occasion other than those bogus sites you favor that do nothing besides spoonfeed you justification for all of Trump's lies Originally Posted by Jam3768
huffington post doesnt know what Truth is
  • Tiny
  • 01-16-2021, 09:36 PM
Those citizens who stormed the capital believed that Donald J. Trump was cheated out of millions of votes and robbed of the presidency. Thirty percent of the electorate agrees with them. So presumably 30% of America believes these rebels were great patriots, who risked their lives and their freedom to fight for democracy. Now, did they make the same sacrifices as those who fought in the first American revolution? Death on the battlefield? A bayonet through the gut by cowardly Redcoats while the Americans were sleeping? The deadly winter at Valley Forge? Well, not exactly. One of the Trumpian patriots died in battle. The other three died from cardiac arrest. But that doesn't diminish their patriotism one iota.

So what does Trump do? The man who started the revolution, with a little help from nut cases like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell? He stabs his people in the back. He says anyone who fought for him and fought for America was pond scum. And why? Because his advisors talked him into it. Or because he thought it would help him avoid criminal and civil liability. In other words, he has no good excuse. If he were brave and truly believed American democracy had been overturned, he should have been marching weapon in hand at the front of the crowd, down Pennsylvania Avenue, to the Capitol. But Trump's no great revolutionary. He's no George Washington. Or Sam Houston or Hugo Chavez. He's a coward or a con man. Take your pick.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Those citizens who stormed the capital believed that Donald J. Trump was cheated out of millions of votes and robbed of the presidency. Thirty percent of the electorate agrees with them. So presumably 30% of America believes these rebels were great patriots, who risked their lives and their freedom to fight for democracy. Now, did they make the same sacrifices as those who fought in the first American revolution? Death on the battlefield? A bayonet through the gut by cowardly Redcoats while the Americans were sleeping? The deadly winter at Valley Forge? Well, not exactly. One of the Trumpian patriots died in battle. The other three died from cardiac arrest. But that doesn't diminish their patriotism one iota.

So what does Trump do? The man who started the revolution, with a little help from nut cases like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell? He stabs his people in the back. He says anyone who fought for him and fought for America was pond scum. And why? Because his advisors talked him into it. Or because he thought it would help him avoid criminal and civil liability. In other words, he has no good excuse. If he were brave and truly believed American democracy had been overturned, he should have been marching weapon in hand at the front of the crowd, down Pennsylvania Avenue, to the Capitol. But Trump's no great revolutionary. He's no George Washington. Or Sam Houston or Hugo Chavez. He's a coward or a con man. Take your pick. Originally Posted by Tiny

And if they had stayed outside the capital building, never engaged in fighting law enforcement, they would have been patriots. Part of the irony here is, when BLM leaders were asked about peaceful protests, they said that nothing had every been achieved by peaceful protest, only through spilling blood would change come. And did our media say that was talk of insurrection? Did corporations recoil in horror? Nope, they made contributions to the people who just called for armed revolution.

And that's were we find ourselves today, in a divided country, half that don't trust the other half and I see no indication of that changing anytime soon because admitting the truth, on both sides, is not something we the people are willing to do, yet.

Now, the winning side thinks calling their opponents Nazi's and Klan members is some how going to heal America, it won't, not by a long shot.

What do we seriously think driving millions of Americans underground for supporting a different political view and I'm not talking about rioting, I'm talking about people who believe in small government, controlled borders and freedom of thought and speech that comes no where near insurrection.

Protesting electors was not insurrection. Challenging an election in courts was not insurrection.

What those few people did in the Capital building was and they should be punished to the full extent of the law and perhaps the next person that thinks a violent act is called for, will receive the ultimate punishment.

But make no mistake, when you try to punish thought and speech like the left is trying to do, take away a person's ability to earn a living, then you just might see a real revolution. I hope it doesn't come to that.

It might be more than the Republican party coming apart at the seams. It may be the whole damn country if this keeps up.
matchingmole's Avatar
Those citizens who stormed the capital believed that Donald J. Trump was cheated out of millions of votes and robbed of the presidency. Thirty percent of the electorate agrees with them. So presumably 30% of America believes these rebels were great patriots, who risked their lives and their freedom to fight for democracy. Now, did they make the same sacrifices as those who fought in the first American revolution? Death on the battlefield? A bayonet through the gut by cowardly Redcoats while the Americans were sleeping? The deadly winter at Valley Forge? Well, not exactly. One of the Trumpian patriots died in battle. The other three died from cardiac arrest. But that doesn't diminish their patriotism one iota.

So what does Trump do? The man who started the revolution, with a little help from nut cases like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell? He stabs his people in the back. He says anyone who fought for him and fought for America was pond scum. And why? Because his advisors talked him into it. Or because he thought it would help him avoid criminal and civil liability. In other words, he has no good excuse. If he were brave and truly believed American democracy had been overturned, he should have been marching weapon in hand at the front of the crowd, down Pennsylvania Avenue, to the Capitol. But Trump's no great revolutionary. He's no George Washington. Or Sam Houston or Hugo Chavez. He's a coward or a con man. Take your pick. Originally Posted by Tiny

He's both!!
Trumpy just wants to take the money and run. Fuk his supporters. They should know better.smh n

The clueless got played biggley
  • Tiny
  • 01-18-2021, 07:59 PM
And if they had stayed outside the capital building, never engaged in fighting law enforcement, they would have been patriots. Part of the irony here is, when BLM leaders were asked about peaceful protests, they said that nothing had every been achieved by peaceful protest, only through spilling blood would change come. And did our media say that was talk of insurrection? Did corporations recoil in horror? Nope, they made contributions to the people who just called for armed revolution.

And that's were we find ourselves today, in a divided country, half that don't trust the other half and I see no indication of that changing anytime soon because admitting the truth, on both sides, is not something we the people are willing to do, yet.

Now, the winning side thinks calling their opponents Nazi's and Klan members is some how going to heal America, it won't, not by a long shot.

What do we seriously think driving millions of Americans underground for supporting a different political view and I'm not talking about rioting, I'm talking about people who believe in small government, controlled borders and freedom of thought and speech that comes no where near insurrection.

Protesting electors was not insurrection. Challenging an election in courts was not insurrection.

What those few people did in the Capital building was and they should be punished to the full extent of the law and perhaps the next person that thinks a violent act is called for, will receive the ultimate punishment.

But make no mistake, when you try to punish thought and speech like the left is trying to do, take away a person's ability to earn a living, then you just might see a real revolution. I hope it doesn't come to that.

It might be more than the Republican party coming apart at the seams. It may be the whole damn country if this keeps up.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I think you noticed, but my earlier post was dripping with sarcasm. CNN and MSNBC are painting January 6 as an insurrection or a terrorist attack. In reality it was a joke. I strongly disagree with the red text above. You prosecute these people to the fullest extent of the law and you're going to have people going to jail for the rest of their lives for doing no more than wearing coon skin hat in the Senate Chamber, or propping his feet up on some Congressman's desk. Or walking around with a lectern.

This is just like drinking Jim Jones' Kool Aid. You have to be crazy to do it. But you don't put the people who drank the Kool Aid in jail. Yeah, maybe you put the people who forced others to drink the Kool Aid in jail. But you can't put every crazy dead person in jail.

Now I realize this analogy is not perfect. But don't throw long jail terms at the protesters who were merely trespassers. On the other hand, people who engaged in violence deserve to be prosecuted.

How about Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Donald Trump Sr. who egged the crowd on? Well, you can take two or three sentences that came out of the mouths of those three and make a case, but I don't think they deserve to be jailed. For this.

The fucker who needs to go to jail is Lin Wood. He was shouting execute Mike Pence from the rooftops, along with a lot of other craziness. He caused people to drink the Kool Aid. Yeah he's insane. But he's going to get somebody killed if he keeps this up. He's a threat to the Republic, and worse he threw away Republican control of the Senate. In a way, he single handedly set in place the conditions to bankrupt the country. They need to lock that fucker up and throw away the key.
txdot-guy's Avatar
These people may not need to get long jail terms for what they did but there does need to be some accountability for their actions. No matter if they were talked into it or not. For Christ's sake. If I can get a ticket for jaywalking in downtown Dallas then they can certainly be prosecuted in some way for trespassing and vandalism at least.
Ripmany's Avatar
I hate when that happen I have a nylon polyester shit all seem decayed away. But the fabric still good. I try fixing with good thread but. All I know is loop stich some day I will get sewing machine. For problem like that
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Now I realize this analogy is not perfect. But don't throw long jail terms at the protesters who were merely trespassers. On the other hand, people who engaged in violence deserve to be prosecuted.
Originally Posted by Tiny
I don't disagree with that. All crimes are not equal. Some protesters simply walked into the Capitol. Others broke windows and ran over police officers in order to enter the Capitol. All who broke the law should be punished but not to the same extent.