The Facts

Guest041817's Avatar
Ok let me clear the air about this bullshit lie that I work with the LE..

On the days that the busts went down I was in Nola well Metairie I stayed at the Extened Stay of America on I-10 service room 326...

On the days that the bust went down in Houma I was not only in Houma but also saw guys off of this board on those days in NOLA... TBC,Matttoplease, and Nolawarfare to name a few..

Also I went to the mall in Metairie and got my hair cut by a lady named ***Staff Edit - No RL civilian names*** at JCPenny and my eye brows waxed..Got my nails done at Tip and Toes in the mall on that saturday...

My ad was up on BP and on here for the days in question..I do find it weird that for starters I get two wives from houma that called me and one did it all day friday and Saturday and now this comes up..Also the fact thatthe guy accusing me cant even back up or prove what he is saying and keeps advoiding proving what he is stating..

Anyone is more then welcomed to call,email, or pm me,shit I will even answer comments on her... 517-213-6751 is my number...

Funny how I see all these guys off of here and only one guy on here gets busted on a day I wasnt even in Houma and everyone else I saw never got busted...Get real dude..hope it makesyou feel better to lie on me..No post till now or any reviews from this dude and this is what he comesup with.
Arverni's Avatar
Thanks for explaining this Keeki. To date - only one ECCIE member has accused you ... and he did that with his very first post on this board - so it does seem suspicious. Good Luck.
baloo6878's Avatar
Thank you for putting the truth out there. Most of us didnt believe that one idiots post anyway, but Im glad to see you stand up for yourself. I for one would still love to meet you and hope the next time you are down here I can make it happen. Good luck and stay safe!
For one im not the only one who said it was her. I don't care what she says I know who was in that hotel room. Her. She ain't explained nothing. I don't really care who believes what. But just cause she a known provider doesn't make her legit. She got caught and flipped. U can say what u did during the day and even at 10 pm. But 615 you were working for Houma police. So men just be careful cause any provider fan flop.
While keeki is a cool lady, its funny how none of the guys who she has claimed to have seen her have come to her defense. And it is really just keeki throwing stuff out there. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Believe who you will but as far as I'm concerned on a message board her word is as good as tar jay. Neither can really backup what they are saying.
Guest041817's Avatar
You really area quack..I just love driving that much that I drove a hour back and forth to just bust men in Houma..Yes you are the only one who said it was me..Trust me I have more then enough men to prove I was no where near Houma on either days..You keep advoiding me when I say prove your stuff...I get silence when I ask what provider have you seen that is legit... All you say is I got caught and flipped..You cant back anything you say up..Plus I might be wrong but who has ever got busted by just handing someone money?? Like you say you did. Learn the process before you lie on people..Also its funny that you never put an alert on me before this thread and you never commented till someone said I was in town before that all went down. Another funny thing I find is the fact that you cant spell worth a shit either.. So what will you say when reviews keep coming in on me that I am a legit provider?? Kinda weird how your the ONLY person that supposedly saw me that got busted...I guess all the other guys in Houma I saw were just lucky..And then all the men I saw in Nola on the days in question just got lucky too..Again your a joke..Get a new passtime.
Guest041817's Avatar
Umm if you read the comments on the other post TBC said he saw me on one of those days..I also saw Matttoplease and Nolatribalwarfare on those days..I am not just gonna sit back and let someone make shit up about me thats not true..I also have all the dates I posted in Nola..Believe who you want I dont care the reviews will speak for theirselves and the truth always comes out in the end.
Guest041817's Avatar
Here it is TBC: I saw her on the 7th in New Orleans. This scares the hell out of me.

this man seems to not be in jail...
Arverni's Avatar
While keeki is a cool lady, its funny how none of the guys who she has claimed to have seen her have come to her defense. And it is really just keeki throwing stuff out there. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Believe who you will but as far as I'm concerned on a message board her word is as good as tar jay. Neither can really backup what they are saying. Originally Posted by 79pudgiver
Not everyone camps out on ECCIE - so give it some time, some of the guys may eventually show up. Second - yes, someone did post that he'd seen her on one of the days she's been accused of busting people. It was posted in private tags so not all can see that comment.

As far as protesting too much - it's her livelihood and reputation on the line - and something like this can kill it all. I'm not surprised at all that she'd defend against this vehemently.

The only other accuser against her had only second-hand info. For all he knows - it could have been another "keeki".

Lastly - Keeki I know you are passionate about this - but you are posting too much personal info on your whereabouts and clients on that day. And - you need a new phone, girl.
bodilly's Avatar
While keeki is a cool lady, its funny how none of the guys who she has claimed to have seen her have come to her defense. And it is really just keeki throwing stuff out there. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Believe who you will but as far as I'm concerned on a message board her word is as good as tar jay. Neither can really backup what they are saying. Originally Posted by 79pudgiver
I believe I would take the word of a verified provider with 43 positive reviews over the word of an alleged dawg(I think he is another bitchy provider posing as a dawg) with 12 posts all in these 2 threads.
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
Not everyone camps out on ECCIE - so give it some time, some of the guys may eventually show up. Originally Posted by Arverni
People do work. Did not feel like rewriting. Post 88. Nuff said.
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
I also saw Matttoplease and Nolatribalwarfare on those days. Originally Posted by FrEaKyKeEkI
Thanks for getting my name right.
  • TBC
  • 03-15-2013, 09:27 AM
To start off with I am very UTR. I have been on ECCIE for about 10 months and have seen several providers.
I did see Keeki Thursday the 7th at 9:30 am. We spent over an hour together and we did meet at te hotel that she said she was staying at.

Hope this helps. Just want to add to add my knowledge of the situation.
Listen alert is suppose to be a heads up. That's all if don't believe then don't. But I know this on Friday and Saturday night keeki was in Houma. She set guys up both nights. I am not second hand info. I was there. I was arrested. I don't know how she got involved with le. But she did. So I posted an alert. Just watch who u see. She keep saying she seeing all these guy but none are on Friday or sat. Night around 6 pm.
Listen alert is suppose to be a heads up. That's all if don't believe then don't. But I know this on Friday and Saturday night keeki was in Houma. She set guys up both nights. I am not second hand info. I was there. I was arrested. I don't know how she got involved with le. But she did. So I posted an alert. Just watch who u see. She keep saying she seeing all these guy but none are on Friday or sat. Night around 6 pm. Originally Posted by tjaylsu
i would drop it dude, you're making yourself look more and more like a buffoon. you're the only one saying you saw her there, yet two people vouched for her. seems to me if she was popped while she was in houma they would not let her leave to conduct business in jefferson parish and return to help them out at a later date. her ads say she was in houma monday thru wednesday. it would seem she then travels to work with le busting people. hell of a gig if you can get it i guess, but i haven't heard of a jp bust around the time she was here.

i can see a reality show in there somewhere. 'on the next 'Escorts with Badges...........!' ya killin me!

sounds like you may be the girl in question.

thanks for the entertaining post tho!