Just kicked in the Santa Nuts

Soooo I was kicked in the ice balls by admin for posting about that thing I cant talk about here so I thought I should just repost so people were aware about the change to our thing that nobody can talk about here. That new thing we cannot discuss here will remain as it is and the old thing that we cant discuss here wont be changed back to the way it used to be when we couldn't discuss it here before. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us to not discuss what we cant discuss here so that you will know exactly what we aren't discussing so that everyone stays this well informed on the thing we cannot discuss here. I am sure that nobody outside of eccie knows what goes on here as it is such a secure message board so I want to thank the admin for being so careful as to remind me that certain things should not be discussed here because as we all know the rest of the world believes that these attractive young ladies all flock here because all of us men are so good in the sack and nothing more.

Stick needs laid badly so if anyone wants to suffer thru knockin the cobwebs off it, I will give them what we cannot discuss here so that he can relax and stop jumping on my nutsack.... go ahead.. kick em again Stick.. then for gods sakes.. get some damn service!
turbo-dog's Avatar
ilovedatass's Avatar
I'm confused... I guess follow the rules Santa
Wiley64's Avatar
Hey now, Wiley needs to get laid too!
Well, I'm glad we finally got that out in the open so there are no misunderstanding. lol
Pretty sure I have no idea what we are talking about.....thought I did but on re-reading....nope.
Hey now, Milton needs to get laid too, so Santa, after much not discussed (about what we cannot talk about.... Oh I am so confused), PLEASE SEND ME SOME ELVES TO PLAY WITH!!!

whew ... Thank you.
When You Are Ready's Avatar

But, I know where you are coming from.
eholiday's Avatar
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 03-19-2013, 08:59 PM
I have always believe in Santa ....
I'm confused... I guess follow the rules Santa
Originally Posted by ilovedatass

Ummm follow eccie rules means no providers under 40... u sure u want me to do that?!?! ROFLMAO!!
... and ty very much Stick... because I was unable to say what cannot be said... I get 33 emails from everyone asking wtf I am not actually talking about and is it Sticks ED.. Annies Rehab.. Dallas's 3rd nipple or my very own 3" killer. This is exactly how rumors start.. but at least I did not speak of that which we cannot speak of when I spoke about speaking here.

Traveler63's Avatar
This all becomes clearer in the presence of an elf.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Ummm follow eccie rules means no providers under 40... u sure u want me to do that?!?! ROFLMAO!! Originally Posted by thegfegirls
Just list all the elves at 40. I think there are 1 or 2 girls on eccie with inaccurate age listings ...
Just list all the elves at 40. I think there are 1 or 2 girls on eccie with inaccurate age listings ... Originally Posted by ilovedatass
ohhhhh you'll burn in hell for that!