
Guest071315's Avatar
It is summer time and it may be time to run a summer special. But do they really work? And which do work? Not saying I will run a special but it is worth thinking about the pros and cons.

<I am not currently running any specials because sometimes you just can't remember everything and it opens the doors to hagglers. I don't receive a discount at the salon but I would like to reward the nice gentlemen who see me time and time again.>

Which specials do you like? And ladies feel free to chime in!!
hwygnome's Avatar
If you are just wanting to reward your nice gentlemen then add some extra time or do something special that fits them.

Since I have been all work and no play I think I need to find some fun. Now where would I find some of that?
yohollyrock's Avatar
Specials would be great for business I would think. You could do a "birthday special" or after so many visits--a freebie or a discount--just like the car wash! Be creative girls--make it fun for both of us and we will all enjoy!!
hookem69horns's Avatar
Longer session, for less per hour. Of course, I'd need to come see you to get an idea as to how long of a session would be most perfect for us!

It is summer time and it may be time to run a summer special. But do they really work? And which do work? Not saying I will run a special but it is worth thinking about the pros and cons.

<I am not currently running any specials because sometimes you just can't remember everything and it opens the doors to hagglers. I don't receive a discount at the salon but I would like to reward the nice gentlemen who see me time and time again.>

Which specials do you like? And ladies feel free to chime in!! Originally Posted by RyansFun
Guest062512's Avatar
Book a 90 minute session but invite me to stay a little longer. I feel bad about reduced donation, but asking me not to leave yet is an serious ego boost.
an order of kung pao chicken and some fried dumplings for booking 90 minutes, beverage of choice included at two hours
Just add extra time. He books one hour give 30min extra. 90min, do two hours

PS you are special. And Hot too! :-)
When I need to stick to some sort of "Hobby Budget", my first priority is more Bang for the $. Either to allow a second round of play or to allow for cuddling and convo, depending on how the session feels. So when searching for a new playmate, that is the "special" most likely to catch my eye. I also appreciate it when my ATF lets me know I am somewhat special to her as well by offering slightly extended sessions (75 minutes for the hour rate, for example) to me when I become a regular. I realize most ladies will, but it would be nice to have it stated, so one doesn't feel guilty for running a bit over.

The only other thing which really gets my attention is a Doubles Day, when two lovely ladies decide to dedicate a day to playing well with others, especailly if it is slightly reduced for that day, like the recent Fawn/Reese/Kelly playdates. If only I could get free to partake in one of them.....
LovingKayla's Avatar
I do the extra time thing, but you must be very careful. Once you do it, it will be expected... Not only expected but demanded. Experiment with what might work for you. It may be different from someone else because your clientele is different.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I asked this last year sometime and as with every other aspect of the hobby, and according to the answers I received, everyone wants something different when it comes to specials. Some want a reduction in rate and some want more time. Then there are the gents who don't pay attention to specials and just go see the lady of choice regardless of what is being offered as a special at the time.
For me personally I have never used specials. I guess I plan on seeing a lady whenever im free and never really look at specials. Since alot of the time it is see me on these days for x amount. I feel it would rude of me to ask for special outside of the window. So I guess over time I just don't even look at specials. Now I do have a bday coming up so who knows maybe the lady or ladies I choose may have their way of treating the bday boy in a special way lol. But if I was to choose a special it would be at usual price with extra time.
Guest071315's Avatar
Lots of good opinions here!!

Unfortunately, I doubt I would ever do a "freebie" on someone's birthday.

I see the poll results of longer sessions kicking booty so I may experiment with that since I dislike being in a hurry.

Thanks LIsa!!

I can see that Kayla; some people will always take advantage so good to have some boundaries.

I may just pick certain days to try the specials out!!
Guest071315's Avatar
And one day I will find a doubles partner!!
  • Sami
  • 06-08-2011, 05:45 PM
Ryan I thought you where the special
pmdelites's Avatar
there was one woman here in dallas who ran an agency.
the consulting fee for most of the women who worked for her was 225 or 250 for 75 minutes. now, granted 15 mins isnt all that much more time, but when i visited any of those women, it made the consulting session more relaxed and less harried since the clocking wasnt bearing down on us. so, it gave us a chance to talk upon starting the session, brewing another cup of coffee, or relaxing and snuggling after a energy filled session. and it lowered the hourly rate - more consulting for the bucks.

sam milone and melissa moore adopted that fee structure for a while. again, it was definitely appreciated by me.

so, i suggest thinking about what you desire/want/need/like from your consulting sessions [increased revenue, less scheduling overhead & prep time, more relaxed sessions, more intense sessions, etc.] then make a change, and see what happens [revenue flow, time management, repeat satisfied customers, etc]. revise as needed.