Tans ... lines? no lines? or no tan?

hookem69horns's Avatar
I have to admit that I absolutely love a lady with a gorgeous, no-lines tan!

But what about everybody else?
berkleigh's Avatar
No Tan Lines here!

My tan is always looking great!
TheWanderer's Avatar
I kind of like tan lines. They sort of accentuate things, almost like lingerie.
But I can go either way. Both are nice.
Lana Warren's Avatar
During the summer months, I have tans lines just because I'm at the pool alot! I think it's a waste of money to hit the tanning salons during the summer when I have a pool right outside my back door!
  • hd
  • 06-14-2011, 07:25 AM
It's all good with me, tan lines a plus with me, but a dark complextion is also very nice. Even a porcelain look is nice if she has the body that works with it.
texasmarine's Avatar
I like a tan on a woman....I better stop before I have some more "clearing things up" to do. You know who I'm talking to.
LovingKayla's Avatar
mmmmmm I LOVE a no lines tan on a woman and a golf tan on a man!!!!

And how about the duck tan!!!

  • hd
  • 06-14-2011, 01:10 PM
LovingKayla, golf tan? is that a farmer's tan, or same thing I have from motorcycle, tanned face, hands and arms up to my short sleeves?
true_whatever's Avatar
Real sharp, distinct tan lines is not so much a turn-off as a distraction for me. Otherwise I couldn't really care much either way.

If I had to choose, I'd say no lines because I just think it looks better. I have no tan lines
LazurusLong's Avatar
I prefer tan lines. I also find that the "blocked" images of a pattern can also be cute as long as it is not the oh too common playboy bunny symbol.
Maxxi Roxx's Avatar
I have a tanning bed at my in-call location, no tan lines here
I like the tan lines. They frame the area I intend to use my tongue on.....in....over.....excuse me..gotta go!
I love tan lines.
I think they look nice when the girl is naked, but I don't like them showing on me for different outfits.

I'm working on evening out my tan lines
I have tan lines if I could tan nude I would but find the lines hot on my doubles partner Chelsea Simms ..Here is a picture I took Monday,,you can somewhat see my tan lines

-Safire Sweet