Do people even care?

thebbwqueen97's Avatar
Do people even care about this whole pandemic we are going through? I see people going to Wal Mart...every day. Still trying to throw parties & gatherings. Hanging out with friends,
going on dates! You do realize the longer this irresponsible behavior continues the longer we will have to be shut in, right? Save lives, stay home. You are not stuck at home you are SAFE there. Next time you think about doing unessacary traveling, meeting someone you've never met before think of the thousands of people that are sick from this shit. The numbers keep climbing! People are DYING. To me these behaviors are selfish. Walk the dog, have a movie marathon, try a new recipe, make some art, but please social distance! You could be contagious without knowing!
Think of the elderly.
Think of the babies.
Think of the immunocompromised people.
Thank you for listening! I pray we all can stay safe & healthy during this scary time!
Unfortunately, people don't. This nation has turned into a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths, fetishizing their own personal "freedoms" over the larger good.

A wise man once said the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, or the few.

Everything they do jeopardizes everyone around them.
thebbwqueen97's Avatar
That is true. If you need something from the store that isn't a necessity; order it online. As for companionship there are plenty girls offering virtual gf packages! I personally am only seeing previous clients who haven't traveled outside Omaha in last 2 months or work with the public. Showering when you arrive is no longer optional. Come next week, I will probably only be doing online packages!