FYI: It is rude to arrive early.

SweetKimberly's Avatar
An independent provider does not have a waiting room. This is not a doctors office. We schedule appointments for a reason.

Between appointments a girl likes to take a shower, return phone calls and emails, run a quick errand, etc. Not only do we prepare for your visit physically but mentally as well.

20% of my clients arrive 15 to 20 minutes early. Why?

I often here "traffic was not as bad as I thought" or "my meeting ended a little early", etc. If you have some time to kill can you not drive around the block? Can you not get a quick cup of coffee? Can you not swing by Lowe's? etc....

If I feel rushed I cannot enjoy or give you my best session.

Don't get me wrong I find it flattering that you are anxious and excited about your session. Please be considerate of my time.
Don't worry it will probably slow down after this rude posting.Probably would have been more prudent to discuss with said clients privately, instead of such a generalizing attack on all clientele .
Marcus78's Avatar
Don't worry it will probably slow down after this rude posting.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
When a client shows up early and I am not ready I simply tell him I need "x" amount of minutes that way I never feel rushed
nuglet's Avatar
Sweets; an option on your part is to simply not answer the door prior to the agreed upon time. Just like I don't like "early" dinner guests, it's understandable that you would/should assume the same social skills with your appointments. Ignore the naysayers.. they probably don't understand your issue anymore than they understand.. "okay, I'll see you at 2:00" (not somewhere in the 2:00ish time).
nuglet's Avatar
Don't worry it will probably slow down after this rude posting.Probably would have been more prudent to discuss with said clients privately, instead of such a generalizing attack on all clientele . Originally Posted by rockerrick
She didn't say "all" or even "most". she said 20%. And what's wrong with reminding some of the fellas about social skills? Not just in this hobby, but life in general. Just like we don't like being "stalled" past the appointment start time, it's fair to assume they don't want to see us early. I'm a stickler for punctuality... so that may color my feelings on this subject.
I've walked out of a Dr's office many times based on the appointment time vs the wait they expect me to willingly accept.
SweetKimberly's Avatar
Thanks Nug.

If I don't answer the phone or door until the appointment time they leave. I'll call them at the appt. time and they say they called or knocked on the door and no one answered so they assumed the session was cancelled.

Very frustrating.

I guess I'm over reacting. I should probably be more flexible.
I was referring to the post possibly being read by all her clientele whom click on it. Personally my cellphone's clock is always accurate. So I am not early, or late.
nuglet's Avatar
Good man Rocker!!
guest031812's Avatar
Maybe they just want to be on time ;0) In this economy I would just be glad they are showing up babe means your doing something right
Guest010619's Avatar
What can cure them of that is running into the other guy maybe stepping out. Nothing kills the libido more than a knock at the door.
WildThing96's Avatar
"To be early is to be on time
to be on time is to be late"

My track coach always told me this in high school.......I just could not get it to work!
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
I ALWAYS get there early because I HATE being late. I will NEVER knock on the door early unless you are ready & tell me it's OK to do so. I VERY MUCH respect a ladies time and know when to LEAVE as well. Ask any of my regulars.....I'm a well oiled machine. ...All of this is just common courtesy IMHO and should be shown from both the ladies and gents as well........Happy Hobbying...... be on time, leave on time, be fresh as a Spring daisy
Britttany_love's Avatar
One reason to stop that is to not give them the apartment number until they arrive. I don't mind if a client is a little early I try not to book an appt if im not already ready or can't be prepared in at least 30 min. I have clients text when they arrive and don't give my apartment number out til i get the text that they have arrived. I would much rather a client be early then late.
Well if he had an appointment at 2:00pm and showed at 2:15 you would feel no problem at saying at 3:00pm that it was time to wrap it up. Guys are paying a premium for your time. Showing up early is a way of making sure that something like traffic doesnt cut into your time. Rather than getting upset you could have him watch TV while you finish getting ready or say that since you started at 1:45 we'll end at 2:45. I own my own local business and while it may perturp you that they show early, making a big deal of it will only make you look petty.