What are you guys expecting on the 4th

KingCobra36's Avatar
I have no plans cause it's too fucking to BBQ and I'm not sitting in the sun playing cornhole while my beer gets warm in 30 seconds. Think I might go to BFW or CL or maybe every BDD. Y'all think it'll be crazy packed or will everyone be with family?
billw1032's Avatar
I'm expecting it to be slow, but I'm thinking about going anyway. Slow isn't necessarily bad if you find the right girl. One dancer I communicate with said she will be working tomorrow night shift, but that doesn't necessarily mean a lot of others will.
KingCobra36's Avatar
I actually prefer slow. More pickings for me.
CG2014's Avatar
Went by Baby Dolls Dallas.


They only had the main stage and 2 side stages open.

Every dance that was on stage during the 30 minutes I was there was big thick with gigantic ugly Goodyear blimps.