Maybe We Missed It But DId Fox and Co Prove Dominion Stole zither Election

We were told by Salty and Bambi and others that during discovery in the Dominion v Fox suit there would be information provided in droves that showed that Dominion machines switched votes and were hacked and all kinds of other garbage.

Where is that proof, trial’s in a month so surely it’s been all put out there for the world to see.

Bambi Salty, where is it?????
Precious_b's Avatar
Aw, come on! It'll come out in court.
Ima sure they have everything ready.
Some 60+ trips to court to polish their routine all for this.
oilfieldace's Avatar
We were told by Salty and Bambi and others that during discovery in the Dominion v Fox suit there would be information provided in droves that showed that Dominion machines switched votes and were hacked and all kinds of other garbage.

Where is that proof, trial’s in a month so surely it’s been all put out there for the world to see.

Bambi Salty, where is it????? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Not Zither one
oilfieldace's Avatar
Hard to prove anything in a court lined with socialist anti American scum
Trump appointed a record number of them. Blame him.
Precious_b's Avatar
1BM1, yes he did.
Can't figure a more biased courtroom around.

A few of those appointees where involved in those 60+ cases that got on the docket.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hard to prove anything in a court lined with socialist anti American scum Originally Posted by oilfieldace

Just an angry little little man, aren't you?

There is no evidence Doninion did anything wrong. It is, however, very easy to prove FOX and it's contributors cost Dominion it's growth.

Fox News produced ‘zero’ evidence to back election lie, defamation case hears

Experts believe the case could prove severely costly for Fox News, even though defamation lawsuits are notoriously difficult to win.

Last month, the Harvard law professor Laurence H Tribe told the Guardian: “I have never seen a defamation case with such overwhelming proof that the defendant admitted in writing that it was making up fake information in order to increase its viewership and its revenues.

“Fox and its producers and performers were lying as part of their business model.”

Late on Wednesday, the Daily Beast reported growing unrest among Fox News staff on the news side of the operation.

I called it!

The new oeb11
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just an angry little little man, aren't you?

There is no evidence Doninion did anything wrong. It is, however, very easy to prove FOX and it's contributors cost Dominion it's growth.

Fox News produced ‘zero’ evidence to back election lie, defamation case hears

I called it!

The new oeb11 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

okay. since you wanna go there, let's go there.

Lawrence Tribe is almost as big a flaming liberal as yer hero Chomsky. and that's actually a complement .. from a certain point of view.

the burden of proof is not with FOX. it's with the people making the claims. like Sidney Powell.

here is why Dominion has no case, never did.

Tucker Carlson: Time for Sidney Powell to show us her evidence

We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing

Tucker Carlson bashes Trump attorney Sidney Powell for lack of evidence in fraud claims: ‘She never sent us any’

Carlson said this on air.

i like this one the best

Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: I Didn’t Provide Evidence to Tucker Carlson Because He Was ‘Rude’


do you not think FOX will bring this up against Dominion in court?


now about Dominion ...

Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden, and Pocan Investigate Vulnerabilities and Shortcomings of Election Technology Industry with Ties to Private Equity

Three private equity-owned election technology vendors serve 90% of eligible voters but fail to sufficiently innovate, improve, and protect deteriorating voting systems; Election security experts have noted for years that our nation's voting systems and election infrastructure are under serious threat

The three vendors -- Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic -- collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which "have long skimped on security in favor of convenience," leaving voting systems across the country "prone to security problems."



now about Democrats and fair elections ... seems like they only care it was "fair" when they lose ...

Democrats Have Been Shameless About Your Presidential Vote Too

After the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections, they objected to counting electoral totals.


YouTube restricts video of Dems, critics saying 2016 election was hacked — then backtracks


and the best for .. last???

11 times VP Biden was interrupted during Trump’s electoral vote certification

nah this is the best of the best ...

Many Democrats think that the 2016 election result was rigged

We shall see in April when the trial begins.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We shall see in April when the trial begins. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

yes we will. and when the trial begins all those anti-FOX puff pieces from the usual suspects like HuffPoo and RollingStone won't be worth spit will they? i find it amusing you and others on the left handed side suck up the leftist press making big nada over FOX depositions. as a lawyer you of all people know that's a one sided story. but keep believing the leftist kool-aid if you want to.

doesn't mean what you think it does.

so why hasn't FOX caved in and settled like the left handed press have been predicting? because that's what Dominion wants. it was their game all along. they didn't account, it seems, for the big dog not backing down to the scruffy little poodle yapping.

let's look at who can lose .. and who can't.

if FOX loses for the entire 1.6 billion, upheld on appeal of course, that's LESS than 1 years net earnings for FOX. they write a check.

now what if Dominion loses and to the tune of a similar amount? do you think Dominion has 1 billion dollars to lose?

thank you valued poster
We were told by Salty and Bambi and others that during discovery in the Dominion v Fox suit there would be information provided in droves that showed that Dominion machines switched votes and were hacked and all kinds of other garbage.

Where is that proof, trial’s in a month so surely it’s been all put out there for the world to see.

Bambi Salty, where is it????? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... That's NOT what Salty and Bambino stated.
What we claimed is that Fox can show all the
questionable machine storys and reports about
Dominion over the years... Gonna be hard for
Dominion to win when that happens.

Surely taking a good while to get through pre-trial
motions and memes for some odd-reason.

And constant leaks of what Dominion is doing
and claiming.... Reckon FOX will do its talking
IN COURT. ... As it surely seems that FOX is NOT
looking to settle this.

But then - nor Salty and nor Bambino expected them to.

#### Salty
And we all know stories and reports from revolver always pass the fact check in court.
Hard to prove anything in a court lined with socialist anti American scum Originally Posted by oilfieldace
That can be a problem.
matchingmole's Avatar
At least Dominion is holding Faux News accountable for the bullshit they misrepresent as news
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
At least Dominion is holding Faux News accountable for the bullshit they misrepresent as news Originally Posted by matchingmole

who's holding Dominion accountable?