What Makes America Great

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
On this Independence Day, let's take a look at what makes America great. What has made her stand out over the years. As Calvin Coolidge said, "The business of America is business."

A more clear explanation:

“If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose – because it contains all the others – the fact that they were the people who created the phrase 'to make money'. No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity – to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted, or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality.” - Francisco D’Anconia, Atlas Shrugged

God Bless America!
It is the land of opportunity, for those that are willing to sacrifice and seize on those opportunities. Those that can will succeed and those that can't will whine. Life is like a race, you can be part of the race or you can sit on the side of the road to watch those that race wishing you were one of them. Well, get your butt up and get in the race. No one is holding you up!
you can bitch your ass off and no one gives a shit.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's ironic that Ayn Rand and Saul Alinsky were both Russian Jews and atheists. It must mean something. Atlas Shrugged is still selling briskly after all these years. It's sold more that one million copies since Obama was elected. Not bad for a book published 55 years ago.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Unfortunately the qualities that made this country great are in shrinking supply these days. Replacing an ethic of hard work, self sacrifice and accountability is this increasing sense of entitlement.
Very strange, I'm dumbfounded.

Compare and contrast:

- The words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality.”

- love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10)

Can these two statements be resolved?

I go back to the trusty Matthew Henry:

6:6-10 Those that make a trade of Christianity to serve their turn for this world, will be disappointed; but those who mind it as their calling, will find it has the promise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come. He that is godly, is sure to be happy in another world; and if contented with his condition in this world, he has enough; and all truly godly people are content. When brought into the greatest straits, we cannot be poorer than when we came into this world; a shroud, a coffin, and a grave, are all that the richest man in the world can have from all his wealth. If nature should be content with a little, grace should be content with less. The necessaries of life bound a true Christian's desires, and with these he will endeavour to be content. We see here the evil of covetousness. It is not said, they that are rich, but they will be rich; who place their happiness in wealth, and are eager and determined in the pursuit. Those that are such, give to Satan the opportunity of tempting them, leading them to use dishonest means, and other bad practices, to add to their gains. Also, leading into so many employments, and such a hurry of business, as leave no time or inclination for spiritual religion; leading to connexions that draw into sin and folly. What sins will not men be drawn into by the love of money! People may have money, and yet not love it; but if they love it, this will push them on to all evil. Every sort of wickedness and vice, in one way or another, grows from the love of money. We cannot look around without perceiving many proofs of this, especially in a day of outward prosperity, great expenses, and loose profession.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I would refer our socialist friend, Nonsence, to
Matthew 25:14-30

You understand not capitalism, America, or Scripture. It would be best if you shut up.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-04-2012, 01:04 PM

You think the only thing that makes America great is the ability to get filthy stinkin' rich?

This country's doomed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You not only don't understand, Doofie, you refuse to understand.


You think the only thing that makes America great is the ability to get filthy stinkin' rich?

This country's doomed. Originally Posted by Doove
You are funny...
Anyone who is "filthy" with money can give it away. I'll take some. Seriously, anyone who thinks money is "filthy" just does not have their head on right. As long as you're making it honestly, money is just a means of exchange and, furthermore, plays an important role in allocating scarce resources. Or would you prefer that our best GFE providers here would go do something else for a living? A job that pays $50/hour, for example, is generally considered very well-paid. But not for GFE.
I think the point of the Rand quote is that if people are free in this country to earn, hold and keep their - highly coveted by governments and fiefdoms - wealth then they are free to pursue other liberties as well and at their leisure; after all, wealth is the most commonly targeted and easily convertible liberty or asset after all. I could be wrong Doove, but I don't think so. The Thomas Jefferson quote I believe is ...........Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Anyone who is "filthy" with money can give it away. I'll take some. Seriously, anyone who thinks money is "filthy" just does not have their head on right. As long as you're making it honestly, money is just a means of exchange and, furthermore, plays an important role in allocating scarce resources. ............... Originally Posted by jceeman
Agreed, I've always thought of money as a highly effective rationing system.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-04-2012, 01:53 PM
You not only don't understand, Doofie, you refuse to understand.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Understand what, Genius? That we supposedly invented the idea of making money? That we are the only country where you can use your talents and hard work to benefit financially?

People seriously need to get over themselves.

Though we do take selfishness to a new level. So there is that.
I would refer our socialist friend, Nonsence, to
Matthew 25:14-30

You understand not capitalism, America, or Scripture. It would be best if you shut up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My god, you really are completely batty.

You can prove anything by misquoting scripture. Do you really believe that that parable (do you even know what a parable is?) shows that love of money is the basis of morality?

Given all jesus' other behaviours and speeches? Given the rest of scripture? Given the ten commandments, as starters?


I know some twisted minds think that because you are wealthy it shows god has showered his blessings on you, but i thought anybody on this forum wasn;t quite so gullible.

ps. the people who tend to say these things tend to be the people behind the pulpits on a sunday and behind the wheel of a cadillac on monday.

CoG, you are a one person band trying to make the US a laughing stock. I will treat you as a statistical aberation.
This came up first on google, I'm not saying I support everything it says, but it is a starting point.


CoG, you are well beyond help, I am only posting to save those who might become influenced by your effluence.