Limbaugh – ‘When WOMEN Got The Right To Vote Is When It All Went Downhill’

BigLouie's Avatar
Oh, Limbaugh, what a sad and pathetic man you are.

Recently on his radio show, Limbaugh took a call from a man who wanted to blame Obama’s 2008 election on uninformed youth. Limbaugh interrupted him and said……drumroll…..

“Ehhh, I can do one better than that. When WOMEN got the right to vote is when it all went downhill. Because that’s when votes started being cast with emotion and uh, maternal instincts that government ought to reflect …….”

All of a sudden, Rush stops talking mid-sentence as if he’s realized what a horrible mistake he’s just made. His caller took advantage of the silence and continued talking about how young people are the ones ruining elections. Limbaugh interrupts his caller, who he was clearly not listening to, as he tries to figure out how to extract his foot from his BIG MOUTH and said:

“Yeah…I…Look, I’m joking about the women’s vote. I just got a little frustrated here…”

Here’s what is so sad about this. Rush wasn’t joking. Despite the fact that Limbaugh believes women are worth less than men, he will keep his women supporters. This is astounding. They will make excuses for him and continue to tune in for their daily dose of misogyny, lies and blatant hatred. “Thank you sir, may I have another?” These women are worse than the bloated ego-maniac. They pay his salary and they vote.

Rush Sticks Foot In Mouth
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Apparently you've never heard this uttered by so many other people. Rush has said it before, I've heard Bill O'Reilly and Greg Gutfeld say it. Sean Hannity has said it. I recall hearing Morton Downey say it years ago. It was always, ALWAYS a joke with a seed of truth. After the GOP gave women the right to vote elections changed. Looks became very important to the female voter. The very first president (Warren Harding) was considered quite a good looking guy. It didn't matter that he has a legacy of corruption and poor judgement. He also supported a favorite of the ladies; prohibition. We all know how that worked out.
So it was an oft repeated joke with a seed of truth. Those are the kind that sting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Men and women are different, if you hadn't noticed. Adding women to the electorate changed the dynamics of elections. It was necessary, and long overdue, but it changed things.

I used to listen to Rush a lot more than I do now, back when I thought conservatives were substantially different than liberals, but he frequently says stuff like that to piss people off. I doubt he means it. And if he does, don't listen to him. It's simple, really.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-05-2012, 12:26 AM
Men and women are different, if you hadn't noticed. Adding women to the electorate changed the dynamics of elections. It was necessary, and long overdue, but it changed things.

I used to listen to Rush a lot more than I do now, back when I thought conservatives were substantially different than liberals, but he frequently says stuff like that to piss people off. I doubt he means it. And if he does, don't listen to him. It's simple, really.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Or is free to listen to him and then bitch about the stupid SOB on a hooker board! You are free to defend him, noe that seems like equality that some like to bitch about.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did you hear him say that BL?
joe bloe's Avatar
Did you hear him say that BL? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I heard Rush's remarks. He was referencing Ann Coulter, who is on record saying that she believes we would be better off if women didn't vote. Rush is a provocateur and likes to bait liberals. Big Louise's outrage is just what Rush wants. I'm sure, that when Big Louise was in school, they had to explain to him that Jonathan Swift wasn't actually advocating that the poor should be eaten. It's called satire.

From The Blaze:

Limbaugh later clarified that this was purely a joke, but that those who found this line of reasoning persuasive could read Ann Coulter’s arguments on the subject (For those in Rio Linda, as Limbaugh might say, Coulter is herself a woman). So why did Limbaugh make this remark if he doesn’t believe it? Simple – to see which liberals would pick it up and run with it. The Daily Rushbo, which cut the clip, makes this explicit:
Limbaugh said this while responding to a caller about Obamacare. Rush was clearly joking about this and also credited Ann Coulter with actually having written it. But let’s just sit back and see if the Libs heads start spinning over this joke.
Did you hear him say that BL? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Media matters radio clip of Rush Limbaugh "When women got the vote it all went downhill"
BigLouie's Avatar
Did you hear him say that BL? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
While you were out checking the hot tube Italia and I were on the sofa and she said told me about it and I went and looked it up.
I guess for some people women are still considered second class citizens.
Ann Coulter has a right to spew hate and talk stupidity thanks to the generations before her.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
While you were out checking the hot tube Italia and I were on the sofa and she said told me
. Originally Posted by BigLouie
this about you