Can You Tell From a Pic If You Think You'll Click?

When perving pics on showcases and sites do you ever get a "vibe" from a provider's pics that you'll click or not? Regardless of how hot the provider is or what little head says? Is it the gleam in their eye, body language, facial expression...

This isn't about tats or age or race or weight or any of that, this is about subconscious impact from the photos. Really. Like the pics are a sort of compatibility rorschach test.
jbravo_123's Avatar
For me, it's not so much about the pictures (although they can help), but about the way a provider posts and represents herself. Ones that post more on the board will of course give you a better idea of their personality as opposed to ones that just post ads in a fire & forget fashion. Sometimes their showcases will have cute / funny pictures and that can also give me a better idea if we'll match up well or not.
Can I tell if we will click? Probably not. The fantasy in my head is always better than the reality.

Can I sometimes tell there is no way we will click? More likely. But even that is subject to some error. I can think of one lady whose pics tell me I would never enjoy her, but I went, I encountered, I enjoyed. In the case of not clicking, I think my low expectations become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
For me, it's not so much about the pictures (although they can help), but about the way a provider posts and represents herself. Ones that post more on the board will of course give you a better idea of their personality as opposed to ones that just post ads in a fire & forget fashion. Sometimes their showcases will have cute / funny pictures and that can also give me a better idea if we'll match up well or not. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
You would love my showcase
jbravo_123's Avatar
You would love my showcase Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Oh I've looked, trust me!
pyramider's Avatar
Oh spare me jbravo ... you should know by now its all about the taint. Posting ... pssst. Taint will guide you to places you want to go.
I can tell by looking at showcases when I knock on the door she will be disappointed.
I can tell by the photos if I want to click with someone. The fastest way to not click is fake, old or misleading photos.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I don't think you can honestly tell if you'll click, people are unpredictable. "Clicking" takes two people. Men see a hot pic of woman and think they can click, and dream up imaginary scenarios that will play out. To click with someone, you'd have to talk to that person. A visual is just lust. I've been surprised by intelligence and stupidity when meeting providers.
flanker1017's Avatar
On the other end of the spectrum, I think I can tell if I am not going to click with a lady by looking at her pics. If she has several face shots and none of them show her smiling, I lose interest right away.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Oh spare me jbravo ... you should know by now its all about the taint. Posting ... pssst. Taint will guide you to places you want to go. Originally Posted by pyramider
So "follow the taint?"

Teach me, sensei!
addict's Avatar
On the other end of the spectrum, I think I can tell if I am not going to click with a lady by looking at her pics. If she has several face shots and none of them show her smiling, I lose interest right away. Originally Posted by flanker1017
This +1000!
It'll at least tell me if I'm physically attracted to her (which is a BIG) part of the reason I hobby.
I can tell by looking at showcases when I knock on the door she will be disappointed. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996

When do we get to test this theory, baby? I'm calling major bs!!!
Well, so far, I can physically attracted to a provider, but I get that "there's just something not right for me here" vibe. Hot, sure, but would we get along in real life, of which I'm giving up an hour of mine, and some money, to hang and do the deed?

The Meyers Briggs graph pretty much assures us that 25% of the population isn't going to like us. Those odds go up or down depending on whether you are mingling with like-minded people or you're as far oof home base as Jimi Hendrix at a Klan meeting.

The old thing about how a provider loves our wallets is one thing, but so does every waitress, car salesman and roofing contractor on the planet. They provide valuable, if utiltatarian, services, and can be a big waste of time while they have their hand in your wallet. I was just wondering if we can avoid that sort of experience on the front end by getting and going with an immediate yes/no response to a picture. Like I said, not a little head "oooo, boobies" response that has led to disaster for many of us at one time or another, but that very first gut compatibility response.