New Private Forum Proposal

Happy New Year ECCIE!

The forum itself is not a reality yet but I wanted to pitch the idea nonetheless. Its been on my mind for a while and I think the time to move forward has come. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.

The People's Choice Forum

Main Concept:
- Location Based Provider Ads (midcities, downtown, far north, far south, etc.... )
- FBSM Specific Ads
- Short Notice Availability Ads

Bonus Concept:
- Relevant discussions with a more civilized standard of online behavior
- No image restrictions on what can be posted (post your kitties all you want in here ladies - after all this is still the hobby! )

After considering all the demand surrounding the above mentioned topics, I thought perhaps a private forum designed to meet the above needs would be a welcome idea.

My intention, aside from access to more specified advertising, is to create a place where grown ups in the hobby can interact with each other like grown ups. This isn't meant to knock the childish antics we all enjoy from time to time but I like the idea of having a safe haven of well-mannered ladies and gents when the beaten path gets tiresome.

There have been some really great threads in the open forum that take a huge nose dive when certain posters come in only with the intention of shitting in it. I myself find it a waste of an otherwise relevant topic. So rather than piss and whine about it, I thought to myself, "self, start a private area where not only is the behavior-bar set a little higher but much desired ad space comes available to those who will respect the rules for having access to it".

So, all that being said, I hope that those of you who want location specific ads, fbsm ads and short notice availabity ads, as well as those of you that avoid posting because of the risk of mean-spirited backlash, will consider posting your support here for a private forum that addresses these desires/concerns.

I'm seeking the feedback before I commit to opening the private forum, but suspect it will be seen as a welcome breath of fresh air for many based on what I have heard and read over the past 18 months as a provider.

Thank you again and I hope everyone is having a Great New Year so far!

I think its a great idea and I would be happy to particiapate in such a forum if you would have me. (Hmm, makes me think of the old line "I would never be a member of a club that would have me as a a member"). It would be nice to be able to talk without the childern spoiling things all the time.

Good luck!!
Happy New Year ECCIE!

Bonus Concept:
- Relevant discussions with a more civilized standard of online behavior
Originally Posted by thathottnurse
How about NO discussions at all to keep civility high and BS down? Even with a screened membership, somebody lets their meds slip it's all downhill.

The location based ads and all that make sense. A cut the crap advertising venue minus all the BS would be a welcome change. A well ordered short notice ad/specials/make my car payment today forum would be nice.

"Just the facts, ma'am"

'Cause I don't care about your religion or your politics, I'm here for the DATY.
I think its a great idea and I would be happy to particiapate in such a forum if you would have me. (Hmm, makes me think of the old line "I would never be a member of a club that would have me as a a member"). It would be nice to be able to talk without the childern spoiling things all the time.

Good luck!! Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Thanks OBSG! Hopefully it comes to fruition.

How about NO discussions at all to keep civility high and BS down? Originally Posted by phildo
Sorry you feel that way, phildo. Personally, I think it's possible to have discussions about the hobby without piling on insult after insult after insult. Maybe I'm alone on that one.

If the forum does happen, and the member wants to maintain their access to the location, fbsm and short notice ads then perhaps they will be more inclined to remember their medication.
  • Rehke
  • 01-06-2014, 04:29 PM
I'm all for it, THN!

I think there's a lot of value in the discussion and in the ad concept!
I'm all for it, THN!

I think there's a lot of value in the discussion and in the ad concept! Originally Posted by Rehke
Thanks Rehke! I like the ad concept too! It is much needed and another place for ladies to post about the awesome services they offer!
DarthDVader's Avatar
This is a great idea THN ... you are not alone; I am fully with you on this one ... I beleive there is a group of people that want to have rational and civilized discussions ... actuallly the thread that I recenly started is a proof of it ... Ive had a lot of positive feedback specially in private

Thanks OBSG! Hopefully it comes to fruition.

Sorry you feel that way, phildo. Personally, I think it's possible to have discussions about the hobby without piling on insult after insult after insult. Maybe I'm alone on that one.

If the forum does happen, and the member wants to maintain their access to the location, fbsm and short notice ads then perhaps they will be more inclined to remember their medication. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
NeedABreather's Avatar
Love it. I've found myself logging in less frequently lately because of the civility factor. I think I'd personally be more likely to log in and chime in if troublemakers weren't a factor. Although my wallet might not appreciate the targeted advertising Best of luck in getting this off the ground THN!
excellent thinking thn. the location based postings would b a huge help.
Love it. I've found myself logging in less frequently lately because of the civility factor. I think I'd personally be more likely to log in and chime in if troublemakers weren't a factor. Although my wallet might not appreciate the targeted advertising Best of luck in getting this off the ground THN! Originally Posted by NeedABreather
Thank you, NeedABreather! I hope ladies from all different sized wallet preferences come to post their Location, FBSM and Short Notice Ads.

It will also be nice to have the civility factor. A lot of members here have openly stated their frustration with ease of access issues regarding keyboards and the internet. Lol.

excellent thinking thn. the location based postings would b a huge help. Originally Posted by old-n-new
Thanks old-n-new! There are so many posts about how important location is to hobbyists! Its not very practical in the open forum but may do quite well in a private area. Same with short notice availability.

Also, ladies who would like another forum to post in (especially UTR FBSM providers who want to stay out of the public eye) should feel free to contact me by email as this private forum will be a screened and monitored area free from public viewing.
blinkq45's Avatar
I think its a great idea!!!!!
Awesome THN, Available on short notice, location, and mature topics / discussion without the drama. One reason I stay away from coed now is because I distance myself from the drama and BS that usually goes on here. Hell, that's why I hobby in the first place, escape the BS of everyday life, well, not totally hehe... Yes! I would love an area where mature ladies and gents (not just age) can visit with an otherwise mature crowd without the fear of some smart ass dumping on you because you're open or maybe looking for answers. Oh! The kitty pics would be most awesome also...........
I think its a great idea!!!!! Originally Posted by blinkq45
Thank you!!

Awesome THN, Available on short notice, location, and mature topics / discussion without the drama. One reason I stay away from coed now is because I distance myself from the drama and BS that usually goes on here. Hell, that's why I hobby in the first place, escape the BS of everyday life, well, not totally hehe... Yes! I would love an area where mature ladies and gents (not just age) can visit with an otherwise mature crowd without the fear of some smart ass dumping on you because you're open or maybe looking for answers. Oh! The kitty pics would be most awesome also........... Originally Posted by GoManGo
Thanks GoManGo! You make some excellent points!
TinMan's Avatar
The short-notice and location-based aspects of your suggestion speak to several subjects I've been preaching about for a few years, so I'm in favor for that reason alone. In fact, when I was trying to keep my short-notice thread alive, it was suggested by one of the mods that I consider a private forum. I wasn't willing to make that kind of investment, but I'm pleased someone else is willing to do so.

The civility thing isn't as important to me, as my metallic skin is impervious to most slings and arrows, but I've heard from many ladies over the years that they are intimidated by this board due to the abuse they perceive is heaped upon other ladies here. That tells me there is a market for what you're proposing.

I hope this idea of yours takes flight. I think it has a lot of merit.
I love the idea of a smaller community - those that ACTUALLY see providers and not just tire kickers. Also the short notice thing is a GREAT idea. I know we have ISOs now but it's usually the same 5 ladies always replying.

The drama thing was entertaining at first but REALLY starting to wear on me.