Uverse problem solved!

Slitlikr's Avatar
I have had problems with Uverse internet dropping out for an hour or two here and there in the past couple of months.
I called and they put me through the usual steps of reset, unplug, etc.
It was not an equipment problem and told them it was on their side and they better get their shit together or I cancel. That got a manager and tech on the line.
They asked permission to scan my router remotely.
Immediately, tech guy says they have me set up on scan mode.
Not being a router guru, I said I don't give a crap about the mode.
I am paying for internet and want it to work well all the time.
Fix it or I cancel service, pricks!
He explained that sometimes the router chooses a channel in scan mode that is weak during high traffic times.
Yeah, so? Fix my fucking problem, dickheads!
He asked if I would like it on a single channel that is strong and will never drop out?
Are you kidding me?
Yes! Now!!!
They killed the scan mode and my channel has been strong and flawless ever since.
So- if you are having these problems, call and demand the single strong channel.