Digital tattoos.. and the technological possibilties!

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I find this fascinating. Now, I hope this doesn't bring up a flurry of "religious" folk who will start carrying on about the "mark of the beast", because that in my mind doesnt' contribute to real critical thinking and analysis to how this technology can be applied and all the possibilities. Watch this video, short but amazing: News article with Video

Here are some things that come to mind with this technology; putting in all the health information on a patient that can be quickly scanned accurately or uploaded for analysis and treatment, or if a person is in an ambulance and unable to tell paramedics their medical history, a quick scan in the ambulance, that can be uploaded to the ER before the patient arrives. Also, if you have a serious violent criminal record, the cops can do a quick scan of the hand or body to see where that person has been for tracking purposes i.e. child predators, and can pull up all information on that persons health history, criminal history ect.
Another application can be the personal encrypted storing of passwords and biometric information for security and security devices. Like if you work for the Government, or for a big Corporation like Pharma and need to protect patents and data, etc.

There are so many applications and things that can be done with this technology, and it can be expanded and improved as time goes by. You could even have quick access to your bank account, and it simply means scanning your hand instead of fumbling for your checkbook, or card.