Can someone please pass the ketchup??

Grace Preston's Avatar
Because I hear ketchup goes GREAT with crow!!!

Yeah, the planned retirement did not go as planned. I was promised a certain job at a certain position at a certain rate of pay. Accepted the job, got into the job, and most of those promises were not kept. So, back to the original exit plan for me.

I always swore I wouldn't do retirement threads, and this is the reason why-- so those of you who I'm close to-- don't get mad when I do leave for good, because I won't do another warning thread!!

So-- needless to say, I am back. Those of you who placed your bets can go ahead and call the bookies to collect. Even the best fall sometimes
Glad you're back Grace!!!
corona's Avatar
Hey shit happens. You're not a drama llama so just roll with it! Glad you're going to stick around!
Sorry it didn't work out.
I have had the same thing happen,
As most of us have, I am sure.

It's not how many times you get knocked down,
it's how many times you get back up.

Their loss is our gain.
Chung Tran's Avatar
does this mean you're going to send back the retirement gift I gave you?

oh wait, I didn't give you a gift.. we're both eating crow..

welcome back..
Ilike69's Avatar
Sorry it did not work out for you. Who cares if you made a retirement post. We all know this world has some crappy people in it. Sometimes people promise things they can not deliver. You got suckered into one of those. I was offered a job once in Alabama, similar situation to yours. Pay was set and everything, they just wanted me to fly out and take a look. When I got back home, I told everybody I was moving and started packing. All of a sudden I get a call to hold off. Apparently somebody forgot to get the company's president to approve a new position. It sucks!

Best of luck to you sweetie, at least now I might get a chance to meet you since your retirement has been delayed a little.
Yep...happens all the time, unfortunately. Sorry it didn't work out.
steverino50's Avatar
Meh, that was plan B anyway. Glad you are back!
I AM glad that I will have more chances to see you, you wonderful woman!

There will be other opportunities, you are one very smart young lady and I know you'll find something better and then leave us behind without a word.
Welcome back honey
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Try Sriracha instead. It adds a little kick and enhances the flavor of the crow.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Shit happens... Welcome back doll
Grace Preston's Avatar
Try Sriracha instead. It adds a little kick and enhances the flavor of the crow. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Eh.. I'm a sissy when it comes to spice. But maybe the zesty zing of A-1??
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Can I have the sock monkey i gave u as an exit gift back? LOL
DallasDoc's Avatar
Welcome Back !!!

You do what ya gotta do.....