The war in Iraq offically came to a close today. After about 4,500 dead and 30,000 injured soldiers, I hope the Iraqui's get their shit together and make somthing of their country.

I originally supported going in...but in hindsight it was a hugh mistake - waste of treasure and blood.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The war in Iraq offically came to a close today. After about 4,500 dead and 30,000 injured soldiers, I hope the Iraqui's get their shit together and make somthing of their country.

I originally supported going in...but in hindsight it was a hugh mistake - waste of treasure and blood. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here, Here.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I still believe that Iraq should have been broken into 3 new nations.

I don't see them lasting 10 years. they're too different culturally.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dilbert, that was Joe Biden's plan. It's one of the very few things he ever got right. The way we set it up it will fail, and become a suburb of Iran.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dilbert, that was Joe Biden's plan. It's one of the very few things he ever got right. The way we set it up it will fail, and become a suburb of Iran. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
did he say this before he was vice-president?

FYI, Iraq was one of the many left-over messes created by the British Empire I think on purpose.

There were supposed be 2 nations created I think by treaty, and the Brits broke that by creating Iraq as it currently exists.

Pakistan is another stupefying example as well.
The war in Iraq offically came to a close today. After about 4,500 dead and 30,000 injured soldiers, I hope the Iraqui's get their shit together and make somthing of their country.

I originally supported going in...but in hindsight it was a hugh mistake - waste of treasure and blood. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted.
Your list of people to punch in the face is long and prestigous..it would have to include John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, among many many others from around the world...........


The Senate voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions. and the the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133. .and subsequent (Democratically controlled) Congress's funded the nine year war.

Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
Which has what to do with the discussion? Does the fact that you were wrong along with them excuse you being wrong? Your stupidity ratchets up on a daily basis.
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
This might be the post of the year! Thanks my friend, I could not have said it better myself.
Just admiting that in hindsight I would have not supported the war; and making the point that your outrage should be directed at many many people around the world who supported the war but now think it was a mistake.

BTW; do you have the same anger with those who still think it was the right thing to do?

And I might add. I think the war was a mistake NOT because there were no WMDs, but because the regional politics were not fully understood, a large part of the Iraqui people don't want democracy, freedoms, independnece, and the open society that it requires, the US military was constrained by nation building and cultural sensitivies, the American public was never asked to make the necessary sacrifices (GW telling us to "go shopping") and the American left worked to undermine our collective energy to prosecute the war to win.
Your list of people to punch in the face is long and prestigous..it would have to include John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, among many many others from around the world...........


The Senate voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions. and the the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133. .and subsequent (Democratically controlled) Congress's funded the nine year war. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Yah I think if you didn't support the war you were labeled "Anti American"
and soft on terrorism.
joe bloe's Avatar
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
All the big time Demonrats (Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Reed, Pelosi, et al) were gungho on the Iraq war in the beginning. Then, when there turned out to be little no evidence of WMDs, they backtracked and said that their support was based on lies told by Bush-Cheny.

The truth is they all looked at the same intelligence and reached the same conclusion, that Saddam Hussein had to be taken out.

Liberals have no integrity and no honor; they are all pathological liars.
All the big time Demonrats (Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Reed, Pelosi, et al) were gungho on the Iraq war in the beginning. Then, when there turned out to be little no evidence of WMDs, they backtracked and said that their support was based on lies told by Bush-Cheny.

The truth is they all looked at the same intelligence and reached the same conclusion, that Saddam Hussein had to be taken out.

Liberals have no integrity and no honor; they are all pathological liars. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You're brain-dead. The Bush administration spearheaded and orchestrated the effort to gin up public support for an invasion of Iraq. They either lied about the WMD's or were criminally negligent in their evaluation of the intelligence data. The buffoons you elected were responsible for this at the end of the day, not anybody else and nothing you can say will ever change that.....Not excusing the gutless democrats who, afraid of public opinion and losing their jobs, didn't stand up and tell Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc to shove it. But there is a vast difference between what the administration did to make sure we got into the Iraq sinkhole and going along with it as a member of the legislative branch. I didn't see any democrats landing on aircraft carriers pretending to be Tom Cruise and making speeches under Mission Accomplished signs.

Then there were those of us who knew it was a catastrophic mistake from the first day they started talking about it. The war was the result of a seriously flawed GOP administration that you voted for and elected. Man up and take responsiblity instead of trying to impugn my honor and integrity you fucking turd.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Love you idiots who, in hindsight, completely discount your support for the war. "Oh yeah, I thought it was the right thing to do, I was wrong, sorry about that. Drive on and let me vote for another idiot in this election who will do something equally as stupid like attacking Iran." If I had lost a son, daughter, wife or husband to this ridiculous war, I would punch you right in the fucking face. Bush, Cheney and all the rest of the neocons who lied about the WMD's, who pushed the illusion that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks and who did everything possible to justify this waste of American blood, money and prestige ought to be criminally prosecuted. Originally Posted by timpage
I completely agree, and I would add Obama and his defense team for not having kept thier promise to end the war upon entering office. And for keeping us in Afghanistan, and for getting us involved in Libya.
Yeah, I note that, of course, Obama gets zero credit for being opposed to the war from the beginning. I guess he was one of the smart ones, huh? And now he should be criminally prosecuted for failing to live up to a campaign promise? We'll need to build a new prison for all the politicians that will checking in to that place.

Starting a war is easy. Ending one, not so much. I didn't have a problem with attacking Afghanistan and kicking the shit out of the taliban. I did, and do, have a problem with thinking that we can turn that backwards shithole of a country into anything that will even remotely resemble a functioning democracy, now, 20 years from now, or ever. We should get out as soon as we can reasonably do so without compromising the safety of the folks there who have worked with us and trusted us, and whose heads are gonna get cut off by the religious crazies as soon as we leave.