Just say NO to Beto

oilfieldace's Avatar
Texas doesn't need that career criminal
badass06's Avatar
Texas doesn't need a socialist that is a career criminal. We already have to many in Washington already
Of the two choices that we are faced with, I will take Beto over a lying suck up embarrassment like Cruz any day of the week.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Forge223 that makes you dumber than dirt. You are dismissed boy
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Career criminal?
Please elaborate.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Why you too fuckimg dumb to know what you read
No, that makes me an informed voter, not a Trump sycophant.
oilfieldace's Avatar
No , that makes you an ignorant lib who doesn't like a great Trump economy. How fucking stupid are you fucking people? For the record, I voted for Cruz in the primary not Trump. I voted for Trump because of the idiot candidate you had. I didn't care for Trump but you cannot make an argument about what that man has accomplished for the USA. So as I said you and other like minded idiots just gonna have to deal with it for 6 more years. BTW thanks to dems for their aide in keeping the Senate RED. hopefully Ruthy baby will drop dead and Trump can get another conservative on the court
oilfieldace's Avatar
Or maybe that moron Breyer who when asked about the 2nd amendment said , certainly doesn't mean the right for Americans to keep guns on their night stands. REALLY ????
What an incoherent angry rant. Sad. The economy that you are so happy about had its foundations laid several years ago, long before your Dad President began to beat about it. BTW, I am not a Democrat or Republican, nor am I considered an Indepenet, I simply vote the for whom I see as best candidate. It sure is not Cruz or Trump.
ligit45's Avatar
Forge you are the kind of people who fuck the great nation. You are so stupid to even understand the facts.
Swordmaster69's Avatar
And what economic policy did Barack Obama pass that has led to the lowest unemployment rate since 1969, lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment rate, 4.2 GDP, record stock market, record 401K growth, no missiles flying out of North Korea.....How many ISIS videos have you seen of beheadings lately...…………

I never mentioned Obama, you scared and worried little kids that support Trump brought a former president into this.

Career criminal, Trump (fraud, housing discrimination, bankrupted a casino, lies, 'alternative facts', etc.).

The economy that you are so bragging about, started about, oh, nearly 40 years ago, with many ups and downs along the way. Trump is only carrying on (and trying to kill with his trade wars BS) with an economy that no one understands.
The economy will do what it wants REGARDLESS of who is in the Oval Office. The Sec. Treas. has more influence than POTUS.

Bet you fools that voted for 'W' didn't ya?
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Obama along with his Treasury Secretary had proclaimed that the economy was at a new normal...low growth, low wages, for the long term. Trump was ridiculed by Obama, and other Dem leaders for even thinking the economy would ever get over 3 percent....tada!!!! Once again - record unemployment numbers...……...

New NAFTA is in the works, deal with EUCOM is in the works....have you been sleeping? NK has stopped shooting missiles...seen any ISIS beheading videos lately? Anybody who owns a 401K has done well...NATO is increasing defense spending to meet 3 percent requirement...since we have been subsidizing Europe's defense for 40 years...

New Embassy in Jerusalem…...Obama promised...never did.
Oil I Hope your one dumb vote changes the world. Who cares what you think! One vote does not change the world. That’s why I won’t vote at all!