Trump faces new sexual assault allegation; he issues denial

  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2019, 03:52 PM
Warning - Any DPST who might be "Triggered" by reading this article should go find One's security blanket , curl up into a fetal position, and place thumb in mouth!!!!

Trigger Warning: This article contains information and details about sexual assault and/or violence, which may be upsetting to survivors.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A New York-based advice columnist claims Donald Trump sexually assaulted her in a dressing room at a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s, according to a first-person account published Friday by New York magazine.
Trump denied the allegations and said, "I've never met this person in my life."
The allegation against Trump by E. Jean Carroll is included in her upcoming book about the "hideous men" that the Elle magazine columnist says she has encountered throughout her life.
Carroll wrote that after what started as a friendly encounter with Trump at Bergdorf Goodman in 1995 or 1996, the real estate mogul pushed her up against a dressing room wall, unzipped his pants and forced himself on her. Carroll said that in a "colossal struggle," she pushed him off and ran from the store.
In his statement, Trump called the accusation "fake news" and said there was no evidence.
"No pictures? No surveillance? No video? No reports? No sales attendants around?? I would like to thank Bergdorf Goodman for confirming they have no video footage of any such incident, because it never happened," he said.
The Trump Organization, which Trump still owns, did not respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press, which has not independently verified Carroll's account.
Carroll did not immediately return a call for comment.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, more than a dozen women accused Trump of sexual misconduct in earlier years. Trump has denied the allegations and said the women are lying. While those cases generally involved groping and kissing without consent, Carroll alleged forced penetration.
Carroll, now 75, wrote in her book excerpt on the magazine's website that Trump recognized her as "that advice lady" as he arrived at Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue just as she was leaving. She said Trump invited her to help him buy a present for an unidentified "girl" and she agreed.
Carroll said that after Trump suggested a purchase of lingerie or underwear, he grabbed a bodysuit and urged Carroll to try it on. After some joking around about which one of them should try it on, Trump led Carroll to a dressing room, where, she alleged, Trump pushed her against a wall, pulled down her tights and assaulted her in an episode that lasted under three minutes.
Carrol said there were no attendants in the dressing room area and she did not file a report with the New York Police Department. She said she did, however, tell two journalist friends, one of whom urged her to contact the police while the other advised her to keep quiet, citing Trump's access to lawyers.
New York magazine said it confirmed the accounts of Carroll's friends but it did not identify either individual by name.
Trump was caught on tape in 2005 boasting of grabbing women by their genitals and kissing them without permission. When the tape became public weeks before the November 2016 general election, Trump said he never acted in any of the ways described on the tape, and described it as just "locker-room talk."
In March, a New York state appeals court ruled that Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump's reality TV show "The Apprentice" who accused him of unwanted kissing and groping, can move forward with her defamation lawsuit against him.
Trump isn't the only prominent man on the list of men who Carroll alleges have assaulted her.
She also claimed that Les Moonves, the former CEO of CBS, mauled her in the elevator of a Beverly Hills hotel after she interviewed him in 1997. Moonves was one of television's most influential figures when he was ousted in September 2018 following allegations by women who said he subjected them to mistreatment, including forced oral sex, groping and retaliation if they resisted.
Moonves told New York magazine that he "emphatically denies" the incident occurred. He did not respond to the AP's requests for comment.
Resources to help survivors of sexual assault include the National Sex Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), and The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) online hot

DPST's did learn from the Kavanaugh hearings. Now a new way to try to discredit Trump and other Conservatives. Allegations from 25 years ago with no confirmation or corroboration.

I bet Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer are drooling over the opportunity to reprise their Kavanaugh histrionics/performances.

Now - for the "Triggered" - go see Your holistic healer and breathe some incense, and repeat three times "There's no place like Home"!!!!
Apparently she didn't learn anything from Christine Ford. Why would a 52 year old women wait 23 years before making this claim. Simple , she hates Trump and her Book sales may benefit from this bogus bullshit.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Who cares who Trump fucked? They didn’t care about JFK or Clinton? And Trump didn’t do this while POTUS.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
shouldn't this been brought up in 2016???
  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2019, 06:18 PM
Of course, DF
Does AnyOne else out there smell a Kavanaugh redo???
Waiting for Feinstein to insert herself into it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Who cares who Trump fucked? They didn’t care about JFK or Clinton? And Trump didn’t do this while POTUS. Originally Posted by bambino
this isn't about who Trump fucked. this is an allegation of RAPE. surely you understand the difference?

not that I buy a word of the story. Moonves attacks her in an elevator, Trump in a dressing room.. I'm glad her close friends corroborated how she told them these Monsters forced themselves on her. all these bogus stories are the same, some out-of-control animal forces himself on the lady, it's over quickly, she's shocked, tells a friend or two, they express sorrow, and 25-30 years later WE get to hear about the charge.

the Me-too movement stalled, and could have been a defining moment in the US.. but too many fake stories have been proffered for personal gain.
this isn't about who Trump fucked. this is an allegation of RAPE. surely you understand the difference?

not that I buy a word of the story. Moonves attacks her in an elevator, Trump in a dressing room.. I'm glad her close friends corroborated how she told them these Monsters forced themselves on her. all these bogus stories are the same, some out-of-control animal forces himself on the lady, it's over quickly, she's shocked, tells a friend or two, they express sorrow, and 25-30 years later WE get to hear about the charge.

the Me-too movement stalled, and could have been a defining moment in the US.. but too many fake stories have been proffered for personal gain. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's right she's alleging rape. A serious crime where the perpetrator should never go unquestioned. This women is alleging Donald Trump raped her in a dressing room twenty three years ago and never said anything about it because she thought Trump was too powerful and nothing would be done. Now twenty three years later Donald Trump is president and certainly is even more powerful and she wants to mention the incident in a book. She even admits there's no Police report and no tangible evidence but we all should still believe her. I say she's two decades to late.
Chung Tran's Avatar
twenty three years later Donald Trump is president and certainly is even more powerful and she wants to mention the incident in a book. Originally Posted by Levianon17
we need to start holding Liars accountable. I listened at arm's length, to the Kavanaugh accuser, no dog in either hunt. but I concluded that she is a bald-face liar, who acted in concert with several Democratic House Members. when Kavanaugh was confirmed, it was like "oh well, we tried".. everyone moved on. same thing with Hilary's deleted emails.. didn't work, oh well, never mind.

until Prison terms are handed out, these folks will continue to Bullshit.
we need to start holding Liars accountable. I listened at arm's length, to the Kavanaugh accuser, no dog in either hunt. but I concluded that she is a bald-face liar, who acted in concert with several Democratic House Members. when Kavanaugh was confirmed, it was like "oh well, we tried".. everyone moved on. same thing with Hilary's deleted emails.. didn't work, oh well, never mind.

until Prison terms are handed out, these folks will continue to Bullshit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree. These people have no shame. It infuriates the shit out of me they play these scenarios when real victims have their lives shattered from these experiences.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree. These people have no shame. It infuriates the shit out of me they play these scenarios when real victims have their lives shattered from these experiences. Originally Posted by Levianon17
these real victims need to stand up and shout down the Fakers. I think that would go a long way. but..

I don't see it happening. I think it's like the US citizen, "good" Muslims, who stay silent about the radicalized crazy Muslims. they are reticent to speak out, because they are not sure if they will end up sabotaging themselves, if they get a reaction they aren't prepared for.

and not unlike black people who are slow to turn in known criminals in their families, or speak out against even black-on-black crime. they are paralyzed with indecision about speaking out, not knowing if they will help or hurt their own selves.

the ultimate answer is people need to be true to themselves, and shake political and social identifications that serve to thwart true expression.
these real victims need to stand up and shout down the Fakers. I think that would go a long way. but..

I don't see it happening. I think it's like the US citizen, "good" Muslims, who stay silent about the radicalized crazy Muslims. they are reticent to speak out, because they are not sure if they will end up sabotaging themselves, if they get a reaction they aren't prepared for.

and not unlike black people who are slow to turn in known criminals in their families, or speak out against even black-on-black crime. they are paralyzed with indecision about speaking out, not knowing if they will help or hurt their own selves.

the ultimate answer is people need to be true to themselves, and shake political and social identifications that serve to thwart true expression. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I suppose it would be an impact if real victims spoke out about these false accusations. The primary reason they don't, I suppose is because Rape is such an intense violation and often times rape victims are beaten and sustain injuries. Victims of this type of violence prefer not to relive it again.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I suppose it would be an impact if real victims spoke out about these false accusations. The primary reason they don't, I suppose is because Rape is such an intense violation and often times rape victims are beaten and sustain injuries. Victims of this type of violence prefer not to relive it again. Originally Posted by Levianon17
good point. great point..

I think the fact that it's complicated allows fake accusers to go unpunished. the Republicans on the Judicial Committee were livid that the hearing for Kavanaugh was broadcast, and they had to pretend to give fair treatment to the Bullshitter.. offering that Stupid woman that asked the questions for "their side".. in the end, they were supposed to ignore the whole charade, and be happy "their" guy was confirmed.. and shut up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
good point. great point..

I think the fact that it's complicated allows fake accusers to go unpunished. the Republicans on the Judicial Committee were livid that the hearing for Kavanaugh was broadcast, and they had to pretend to give fair treatment to the Bullshitter.. offering that Stupid woman that asked the questions for "their side".. in the end, they were supposed to ignore the whole charade, and be happy "their" guy was confirmed.. and shut up. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
There was supposed to be an investigation into Ford's lawyers and whether they handled her case in her best interest, and Grassley referred Avenatti and Swetnick, and one or two other obvious liars to the DOJ for a perjury investigation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this is simply a ploy to sell books. nothing more. and give the press more "fake news" to blame Trump for.