Once again, pathetic conservative racist Trumpjugend commits TERROR

21 year old MGTOW Patrick Crusius wrote a manifesto called "The Inconvenient Truth", where he praised the Christchurch terrorist and claimed he was fighting "the Hispanic invasion of Texas" before he went into a Walmart with an assault rifle in El Paso and did his best to target Hispanics exclusively. 20 dead, so far. One guess as to which way this fucker votes. "BUT ANTIFA ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS! THOSE POOR WINDOWS AND TRASHCANS!"


Just a reminder, it's only been a month and a half since Brian Isaack Clyde.
I wanted to be the first on here to hold Trump culpable for this heinous acts but you beat me to it. If we can't ban some types of weapons, then at least we should ban silent dog whistles.
There's no denying it: This President inspires white nationalist terrorism.

TxTraveller's Avatar
Sorry, supercold is superwrong and all too ready to contribute to hate by making it political and blaming Trump. STUPID.
TxTraveller, we've had 3 Trump supporters cause mass shootings in a week. Hate crimes spike 228% in towns where he holds his rallies. He openly supports and smirks at people at his rallies shouting about shooting immigrants. Sure, he has nothing to do with this.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
El wrong-o buckeroo. Total socialist and Demonicrat.
Please name those 3 Trump supporters that you are talking about.
You do know you are spreading lies right?
Actually, I don't care if you do know or not - I'm telling you that you are spreading lies and mistruths.

The question is - will you continue to do that?

I'm guessing yes. Your hate is blinding.

I hope you find peace somewhere.

TxTraveller, we've had 3 Trump supporters cause mass shootings in a week. Hate crimes spike 228% in towns where he holds his rallies. He openly supports and smirks at people at his rallies shouting about shooting immigrants. Sure, he has nothing to do with this. Originally Posted by supercold1
Whisky_1's Avatar
[QUOTE=supercold1;1061674893]TxTraveller, we've had 3 Trump supporters cause mass shootings in a week. Hate crimes spike 228% in towns where he holds his rallies. He openly supports and smirks at people at his rallies shouting about shooting immigrants. Sure, he has nothing to do with this.[/QUOTE

I would suggest that FBI statistics indicated that crime was in a state of decline overall until recently. Moreover, I would attribute the uptick in racial violence and hate crimes against non-whites and immigrants to the inspirational and racially divisive commentary by 45.

The instant humans reduce other human beings to a less than human status like "vermin" it becomes easier for some to commit atrocities against those individuals who are different in some way. This comes as no surprise to many non-whites and those who yurn to return to the good old days of institutional and explicit racism in America.

Hate speech is protected by the US Constitution. Violence inspired by hate speech is not. This concept was used to financially bankrupt the KKK in civil court. For the record, I concur with Ms Ellen....Hate is blinding!
The "Hate Crime" statistic is hogwash. It's based on communities where there were 1 or 2 prior. A 228% jump sure looks like a lot, but is really not substantial in over all crime numbers. It's also a strictly discretionary what is labeled a "hate crime" and can be highly manipulated based on prosecutorial bias.

Additionally, no one seems to want to recall shooters that don't fit the "white, right wing" profile. For example, Dayton, Mateen, Hassan, San Bernardino, VA Tech. Those are just off the top of my head.

As for the "dehumanizing" of others, there has never been a sitting president dehumanized more than Trump. The left dehumanizes the GOP daily. If referring to MS13 is dehumanizing, sign me up. Men are referred to as dogs on this site regularly. Also dehumanizing. To blame Trump for the shooting is just lazy and wrong. No one EVER blamed Obama for shootings on his watch. Blame the shooter. Period.
That's because nobody repeated Obama's talking points when shooting up a place. Christchurch, El Paso, and many others, repeats Trump's talking points, verbatim.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That's because nobody repeated Obama's talking points when shooting up a place. Christchurch, El Paso, and many others, repeats Trump's talking points, verbatim. Originally Posted by supercold1

Which pretty much proves the point, they are socialists, commie, pink-os. Ever heard of Jussie Smollet??
That's because nobody repeated Obama's talking points when shooting up a place. Christchurch, El Paso, and many others, repeats Trump's talking points, verbatim. Originally Posted by supercold1
That's it? That's what you got? Man, TDS is a mentally transmitted disease and you are terminal.
Obama has not inspired one terrorist, unless it was a racist conservative cocksucker who didn’t like that he was president because he was black. That I could see happening.
Jussie Smollett is a dumbass, but he didn’t commit terror.
The fact that republicans are trying to deflect with the tired old "vidya games did it" argument, and the fact that Trump is deleting social media posts mentioning "invasion" (of which there are thousands), is damning. They know they're responsible and are trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.