What's up Dallas

Just got here what is there to do any suggestions
ManSlut's Avatar
I can’t think of anything at the moment, sorry.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
My suggestion is that you mow my lawn, do my laundry and massage my feet.
mrredcat43's Avatar
There’s a gun show this weekend
Gun show? How romantic. You gotta be kidding me. Yeah, let's go to a gun show and buy an Ak-47 or semiautomatic pistol from an unlicensed dealer in case we need to shoot someone for a personal slight or in a fit of road rage.
corona's Avatar
Gun show? How romantic. You gotta be kidding me. Yeah, let's go to a gun show and buy an Ak-47 or semiautomatic pistol from an unlicensed dealer in case we need to shoot someone for a personal slight or in a fit of road rage. Originally Posted by Jersey Dog
mrredcat43's Avatar
Gun show? How romantic. You gotta be kidding me. Yeah, let's go to a gun show and buy an Ak-47 or semiautomatic pistol from an unlicensed dealer in case we need to shoot someone for a personal slight or in a fit of road rage. Originally Posted by Jersey Dog
LMAO!!!! You strike me as somebody who is afraid of guns, and probably put “gun-free” in your front yard. Newsflash buddy, GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE, THE GOVERNMENT DOES!
luv2luv's Avatar
I guess you can mark me down as afraid of guns too based on your comment. Must be my lack of exposure during 31 years in the Marine Corps, and 15 years in LE. Or it could be from being shot a couple of times during three combat tours. I’m assuming you have similar experience that equips you to be such an expert. Or can I just say, mrredcat, you seem to suffer from one of three things. Don’t really know whether you suffer from a lack of mental development, a total lack of common sense, or that well known disease, trumpitis. People like you really scare me.
dogfart's Avatar
Don’t really know whether you suffer from a lack of mental development, a total lack of common sense, or that well known disease, trumpitis. People like you really scare me. Originally Posted by luv2luv
It is interesting how you attack someone's intelligence and common sense just for having a different opinion than you. Yet, you fail to make a logical or persuasive argument how guns can harm people all by themselves, and thus, we should be scared of them.

I have a gun sitting in my closet for the last 40 years and it has harmed no one. Why should I be scared of it?
luv2luv's Avatar
Let’s see. It’s called “gun violence”. There is one element in all gun violence— guns. So, because you don’t abuse guns, we shouldn’t try to reduce gun violence? Great logic. And the problem with mmredcat is that he abuses others with no cause to do so. That’s called being a bully. I don’t like bullies.
And are you really going to use the “guns don’t kill people. People do.” argument. Really? In what universe is that true. Wake up. People WITH GUNS kill people. I’m really getting angry, not just that innocent people are being killed but that folks like you don’t seem to care as much about that as about your “rights”. End of rant.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Can a gun pull it's own trigger NO a person has too ,
corona's Avatar
Let’s see. It’s called “gun violence”. There is one element in all gun violence— guns. So, because you don’t abuse guns, we shouldn’t try to reduce gun violence? Great logic. And the problem with mmredcat is that he abuses others with no cause to do so. That’s called being a bully. I don’t like bullies.
And are you really going to use the “guns don’t kill people. People do.” argument. Really? In what universe is that true. Wake up. People WITH GUNS kill people. I’m really getting angry, not just that innocent people are being killed but that folks like you don’t seem to care as much about that as about your “rights”. End of rant. Originally Posted by luv2luv
Beto, is that you? You gonna cut off your dick to prevent rape?

Lmao take it to the political forum.

Gun shows are actually pretty fun to go to. It's nice seeing all the different products from all the various vendors. Not to mention the people watching can be amazeballs.
dogfart's Avatar
Let’s see. It’s called “gun violence”. There is one element in all gun violence— guns.

And are you really going to use the “guns don’t kill people. People do.” argument. Really? In what universe is that true. Wake up. People WITH GUNS kill people. Originally Posted by luv2luv
Hmmm, you initially blame the gun, but eventually wake up to another key factor involved - people So, you obviously understand that a gun has never had it's trigger pulled by itself.

So, because you don’t abuse guns, we shouldn’t try to reduce gun violence? Great logic. Originally Posted by luv2luv
Speaking of great logic, I challenge you to find a statement I made saying I don't want to reduce gun violence. Anyone with any common sense is universally is against gun violence. But, some of us want to get to the true root cause of the problem, and not slap a band-aid on it. That is even better logic.

I’m really getting angry, not just that innocent people are being killed but that folks like you don’t seem to care as much about that as about your “rights”. End of rant. Originally Posted by luv2luv
Again, I challenge you to prove that I ever said or posted anything to the effect of "not caring about people getting killed". The more probable issue here is your intolerance for anyone's opinion other than your's makes you emotional (or as you said, "angry) and therefore making statements based on emotion and not on facts. I hate to break it to you but facts don't care about your feelings.

It's ironic you want to take away my rights when I have never committed any crime using a gun. Why do I have to pay for the sins of others?

But, I tell you what, I'll offer a solution. The best part of this solution is that it covers any and all forms of violence, whether it be a gun, knife, or driving a Home Depot rental truck down the sidewalk. All we need to do is make a law saying it is illegal to kill someone. There, problem solved.

So, now that we know that all people will follow the law, and no criminal will ever have a gun in violation of the law, I guess you could then argue I don't need a gun to defend myself from anyone breaking into my home, etc. Even if they do, I can call the police (if they haven't been defunded) and they should be there in 15 minutes or so. Maybe they can get to me before I bleed out.
The anti-gun crowd are the first people that will bend over and take it up the arse whenever the government comes after civil liberties. An armed population is the only thing keeping a rogue government and armed criminals in check. Ask Ireland and Australia how gun confiscation has worked out for them.

And I’m not getting into a debate here. You can be fearful of scary guns all you want. Society is broken and people will commit ruthless acts of violence against innocent people with or without guns. But rest assured, an armed populace keeps things in check. Giving up my guns is the hill I die on.
luv2luv's Avatar
I pray you don’t lose a child, sister, spouse to a gun death before you realize that the right to live is greater than an unlimited right to guns.