My enormous penis ...

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-01-2010, 10:12 AM
... is 800 miles long, 200 miles wide and resides mostly in the fourth dimension.

Listen: Hi-ho.

Respectfully submitted this day, 04/01/2010

Dr. Wilbur Daffodil-11 Swain
governmentguru's Avatar
... is 800 miles long, 200 miles wide and resides mostly in the fourth dimension.

Listen: Hi-ho.

Respectfully submitted this day, 04/01/2010

Dr. Wilbur Daffodil-11 Swain Originally Posted by Carl
My penis is so big it has its own penis... and that penis is bigger than that...
Carl, how does this magnificent multidimensional penis affect your demeanor?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-01-2010, 11:37 PM
Carl, how does this magnificent multidimensional penis affect your demeanor? Originally Posted by tcreative2
I eat a lot of cookies. SnackWells, mostly.

And I've stopped reading Vonnegut and I've started watching all seven seasons of So You Think You Can Dance on DVD.
two black guys standing on the golden gate bridge needed to take a piss. so they whip it out and start to piss off the golden gate bridge.
one guy looks over to the other and says man that water is cold, the other guy says YEAH AND ITS DEEP TOO.

dookiexp's Avatar
My penis is so big, it fired Donald Trump!
knotty man's Avatar
my penis is soooooooo hell, who am i kidding. fuck you .you "big dick" bastards. (lol) Im hung like a bear!(a gummy bear)
GneissGuy's Avatar
Mine can be seen from space.

My penis is unstuck in time.

Hope I can stick it somewhere in time.
And speaking of this nice Spring weather . . . One recalls the famous WC Fields quote:

"Gee, it's nice out! Think I'll leave it out!"
My penis is so big, Chuck Norris makes "down41's penis is so big..." jokes.
BeachBum's Avatar
I finally figured out how to get a 12 inch penis.. I just fold mine in Half. Hurts a little when i do it though.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 04-03-2010, 09:47 PM
My penis is unstuck in time.

Hope I can stick it somewhere in time. Originally Posted by meldrick
God bless you, Mr. Rosewater.
NipLover's Avatar
My penis is the exact same size as GneissGuy's. Just not limp, though.
Mine can be seen from space.

Originally Posted by GneissGuy