Condoms. What's YOUR Brand?

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are on a beautiful spring Wednesday night on the call in show (I need a name here people help me out.)

Tonight's discussion is, what brand of condoms do you use and why?

I like the Trojan Extra Thin. They are the light grey ones.

I dispise durex.

We will go to the phone lines, where is my producer Roxanne?

<Tonight's broadcast is brought to you by KY Jelly, for when she is just not that in to you.>
Well rekcaSxT and the all condom all the time channel, long time listener, first time caller, love the show...

I use whatever she likes..they all have a preference as to the feel and aftertaste, so I keep a wide variety in the drawer. When all by myself, I take the chance and masturbate bare back since I *do* know where my right hand has been. If I'm feeling risque I put a Magnum on when the left hand is coming out to play Course, a Magnum is a bit baggy, but since I'm cheating on the right hand, I throw caution to the wind
Someone recommended Insprial to me but I have never tried them. Mostly Trojan.
DallasRain's Avatar
lifestyles sensetive--ultrathins

inspiral{but they are hard to find}
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Finally..Ive been on hold forever...

I like lifestyles Skyn...its non latex advanced polyisoprene...feels like nothing is there
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I use whatever she likes..they all have a preference as to the feel and aftertaste, Originally Posted by dammit
I want to touch on the issue of aftertaste. Ladies PLEASE do not use spermicidal condoms if you want a guy to perform DATY between penetration. That shit will numb a mans tounge, and if he is taking you to a nice dinner after he wont be able to taste his steak!

Finally..Ive been on hold forever...

I like lifestyles Skyn...its non latex advanced polyisoprene...feels like nothing is there Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
That sounds nice!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

That sounds nice! Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
You should try it sometime
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Do I need to go to commercial?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Um.... whatever the lady has that fits?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Do I need to go to commercial? Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

No I like it when people are listening
Definitely the non-latex ones
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Now for a word from our sponsor KY.

<KY warming liquid, because you weren't her first appointment for the day>
Hey, the *His and Hers* works! LOL, I definitely enjoyed myself and she acted like I was Tony Montana "Look at me Mom, I'm the King of the World!"
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I once had a roomate who used all my condoms while I was out of town, then replaced them with the spermicidal ones and I didn't know. I went down on a girl one night after having penetrated her, I couldn't taste my wine when we were done, then dinner tasted funny. Everything in my mouth was a little numb. I was not a happy camper. It wasn't until I read the package that I discovered what had happened.

FYI, I sometimes find the 30 pack of Trojans at Target for $12. That's .40 per condom!

ONE Condoms are the flashiest rubbers you can whip out of your stash, but they seem to fit a bit snugger than other regulars. Durex are the only ones that seem to break easily (no thanks) and I like Trojans but a lot of everyone else often says that they hate them. I haven't really experimented much with anything beyond drugstore brands, but perhaps I should!

When I was younger (20) I bought a giant pack of the "extended pleasure" condoms. The first victim lost his erection and felt embarrassed, so I went down on him to see if that would help. Soon enough I couldn't feel my lips and cheeks and we had a good laugh over it. YOWZA! I drunkenly pulled out a leftover with someone else a few months down the line and he had a similar reaction. I suppose if it can't keep a drunk 23 year old boy nice and hard, it's probably not a great condom for this demographic. Ba-da-BING!