Your Fucket List

Last night I had a very vivid dream where I was meeting up with one of my high school teachers and I spent the dream trying to decide what to wear and how to act and, most importantly, how to get him into bed. Needless to say, I've been a horny wreck all day and even began to conjure up ways that I could contact him in real life. (He's only 9 years older and single, so I don't think he'd mind.)

I have a list of men I never got around to for one reason or another, men who I would really really like to get around to. The high school teacher crush tops the list and a former boss comes in at a shining second. I was a lucky girl and got to mark off number three with a fat Sharpee marker -- number three was college faculty member from my alma mater. Oh boy, I am sensing a pattern.

So! Who is on your list? Who on your list have you been able to cross off? What are the details of your seduction strategy?
atxbrad's Avatar
Jenn, I really admire you. When you want something you dont pussy foot around. From everything I have read your always a straight shooter. If you want to "bed" someone than you just go do it. Thats great! I wish more ladies had your confidence and attitude. You should go fuck your ex-teacher and tell us all about it.

Sorry, back on topic.

There is a lady that works with one of my good friends that I have been interested in for months now. The conversation has evolved to the point of me telling her what I would do to her during foreplay if the opportunity presents itself. We havent closed the deal yet, but we have verbally fucked ourselves to death. The end rusult will be great just the waiting sucks.
Oh a fucket list, nice one

1. I wish i could go back and find my high school teacher, he was F.I.N.E

2. My upstairs neighborhood.. he thought i moved.

3. A particular hobbyist in the Dallas that is a session i would do for free.

4. One of my cool "buddies".......he is taking alot of time though, but i love the chase.
muckman's Avatar
I was fortunate to cross the HS English Teacher off my fucket list - she was my first, and i still find myself trying to recreate that experience so many years later.

Top on my list would have to be my SO's old roommate. She was German, but had a very sultry south Italian or Mediterranean look to her - very exotic. Body that wouldn't quit (probably 36C/D up top, but all natural and a heart-shaped ass). Incredibly beautiful face too. Still spend many a night dreaming of her.
Utanks's Avatar
for me it was this gal i used to work with. it was a client/vendor relationship so that line was a pretty big deal (not in the hobby way, lol in the business world), but we had so man business meetings and lunches the tension grew so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. career changes affected the relations and the occasional lunch afterward never amounted to anything, but man i sooooo wanted to get busy with her!
I just added JennsLolli to mine!
This super hot pitcher for the Round Rock Express I met several years ago. I was married at the time so I behaved but kicked my self in the ass all the way to the car!
1. Marley Monroe
2. Stormy Stone
3. My ex-wife's sister
Jenn, I really admire you. When you want something you dont pussy foot around. Originally Posted by atxbrad
Sadly, real life is always a different story. I mean, sure, I actually do end up sleeping with a lot of people who I want to sleep with when I meet them, but I have a whole lot of trouble when it comes to trying to sleep with people who I already know very well. I just can't seem to make that transition from the real me to the naughty me. I'm young...perhaps it will come to me later. Or perhaps it's a product of me falling into casual/anonymous sex before properly falling into a more normal sex life.

I think that there's something to me always falling for the authority figure types. I always have to be on my best behavior and I work hard so that they will respect me and admire my work, but goddammit, I just want them to want to use me, at least for a little while. I guess the good girl persona can only you get you so far.


Oh...and for the record: when I did cross number three off of my list, it wasn't as hot and heavy as I had dreamed about for the 4 years of sexless pining. Maybe we were both tired, maybe we were shy, maybe we just weren't sexually compatible.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar

Oh...and for the record: when I did cross number three off of my list, it wasn't as hot and heavy as I had dreamed about for the 4 years of sexless pining. Maybe we were both tired, maybe we were shy, maybe we just weren't sexually compatible. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
I think that calls for a do over
advanceofbrokenarm's Avatar

3. A particular hobbyist in the Dallas that is a session i would do for free.
Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Oh, how I wish providers thought about ME this way ...

I'm loving this thread and reading everyone's responses.

Here is mine:

1.) A lady I work with. Tall, really attractive, long curly black hair and has a fantastic sense of humor and personality. We get along really well and she often refers to us as "buds" or "your my buddy". I'm sure she would be quite shocked if she were to learn what I would really like to do with her. But then again, sometimes I wonder what she really thinks of me. Alas we both have S.O.'s so the chances of anything happening are slim to none. *sigh* (How would you even broach a subject like this? Especially in the work place where things could go quickly down hill. Any ideas on how to drop the subtle hints?)

2.) The HR lady that worked at a company I worked for years ago. She was a good 15 years my senior and yet provided such good imagery for my spank-reel / bank. I remember doing the math and realizing that based on our ages, we were probably hitting our "sexual peaks" at the same time. Seemed like reason enough for us to get together.

3.) A girl I went to high school with and was a lifeguard at the neighborhood pool during the summers. I used to go swimming, but then I wouldn't really swim. I'd just wade in the water and occasionally, longingly gaze up at her, sitting on that chair wearing that bathing suit that gave me the quasi-chub. I'd have to wait until the mr. quasi settled down before I could get out of the pool. Then I would promptly go back home, lock myself in the bathroom and rub one out.

(Yes, in case you were wondering, my high school years sucked. The ladies paid little attention to Mr. advanceofbrokenarm.)

4.) Angelina Adams (hey, a guy can dream can't he?)

And that's all I can think of right now. Thanks for reading.