Private Messages

Durango's Avatar
For those that send & receive PMs, I've got a question.

When i receive a PM from someone, it is automatically saved (until i delete it). But when i SEND a PM to someone, it isn't saved (or i haven't engaged a "saving mechanism")....& d*mned if i can remember what info i typed to that person.

Note - I can see WHO i sent a pm to....& also if they've read it or not....but i can't read my old PMs. Can anyone help this clueless Luddite?


ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-16-2010, 01:20 PM
Make sure the setting in your Control Panel indicates you want messages saved in your Sent Folder. I'm not sure if it is the default or not:

Durango's Avatar
Thanks Ztonk! I think that was it.
I was wondering that also - thanks!