Why is most of the national news media left leaning?

Simple question. Why are most of the national news coverages liberal. Not all, but most.
I’ve never understood this and it seriously hurts the Republican cause.
bambino's Avatar
Simple question. Why are most of the national news coverages liberal. Not all, but most.
I’ve never understood this and it seriously hurts the Republican cause.
Why? Originally Posted by Charley3
... Hmmmm.... Easier to LIE that-way?

... Actually, I think that most of the national media
is surely spoon-fed their ideas and memes from one
or two sources... And are payed the support whatever
poppycock the political establishment surely wants
to push.

The media were "all in" on the Trump/Russia "collusion"
story - which was bullshit - yet they STILL pushed it
anyway - and sometimes still do.

And of course the FACT that the FBI/DOJ and other
government agencys have been corrupted by politics.

As we KNOW that the sorry likes of Twitter and
Facebook were ORDERED to surpress Conservative content.
Investigations have surely showed us that.

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
Simple question. Why are most of the national news coverages liberal. Not all, but most.
I’ve never understood this and it seriously hurts the Republican cause.
Why? Originally Posted by Charley3
"Why are most of the national news coverage's liberal."

Its not that national news stations are one sided. Most tell the truth. Fox news has been in court for how long and now admit they tell lies because there audience want to hear one sided BS. It don't have to be the truth as long as it is republican sided. That is what sells. There news reporters have admitted not being truthful but it is all about the ratings. Not the truth.

Trump said himself years ago before he ran for president for the first time, "if he was to run for president he would run as a republican because they believe anything. That is when he said that with the democrats the country runs better."

Don't believe me look it up.
berryberry's Avatar
"Why are most of the national news coverage's liberal."

Its not that national news stations are one sided. Most tell the truth. Originally Posted by Cody69

Do you really believe this BS?
You were already exposed and proven wrong with your previous "CBS, always tells the truth." statement

Yes, most of the national new's coverage is very leftist biased.
Fox is the one exception.

And you do understand the difference between hard news shows and opinion shows, don't you? Based on your comments, I don't think you do.

The fact is most of the national new's coverage is very leftist biased because most journalists are dumb leftists who want to push an agenda. It's why they spread lies for years while Trump was in office and yet ignore the crimes and blunders committed by the dementia patient currently in the White House
"Why are most of the national news coverage's liberal."

Its not that national news stations are one sided. Most tell the truth. Fox news has been in court for how long and now admit they tell lies because there audience want to hear one sided BS. It don't have to be the truth as long as it is republican sided. That is what sells. There news reporters have admitted not being truthful but it is all about the ratings. Not the truth.

Trump said himself years ago before he ran for president for the first time, "if he was to run for president he would run as a republican because they believe anything. That is when he said that with the democrats the country runs better."

Don't believe me look it up. Originally Posted by Cody69

I've asked our AI overlords on this, and here is what it said

Q: Did Trump ever say anything similar to this, before he ran for election? "if he was to run for president he would run as a republican because they believe anything. That is when he said that with the democrats the country runs better"


There is no record of Donald Trump saying these exact words before he ran for president. The closest statement to this that he made was in a 2004 interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, where he said: "In many cases, I probably identify more as a Democrat. I've been supportive of Democratic candidates. I've been supportive of Democratic issues."
However, it's worth noting that Donald Trump has a long history of changing his political affiliation and views on various issues, and he has been known to make controversial and contradictory statements over the years. Therefore, it is possible that he may have made comments similar to the one you mentioned, but there is no record of it that is widely known or recognized.
... Actually, Trump prolly DID make that statement, mate.

'Course it was almost 20 YEARS AGO - when the Democrats
were "the party of the people"... But NOT SO today.

But let's not wander too far away from the thread topic.
The liberal (national) news-media just may have been
a bit more accurate 20 years ago... But NOT SO today.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
I've asked our AI overlords on this, and here is what it said

Q: Did Trump ever say anything similar to this, before he ran for election? "if he was to run for president he would run as a republican because they believe anything. That is when he said that with the democrats the country runs better"

A: Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
How many threads are you going to cut and paste this on? You’re off topic on both.

The answer is, the MSM is the propaganda arm of the left. Has been since the early 60’s. It was subtle then, but it’s out in the open now. They’ve been lying to the American people for 70yrs. The Twitter files proved it. They had the receipts. Matt Taibi, the journalist that wrote the Twitter Files, home was visited the day he testified in Congress. That’s a pure Gestapo move. Pure and simple.
The question is why? There’s no doubt it is, other than Fox, which doesn’t even run a 6:30 pm national news show for some reason. Most popular time for people to get their news.
Money talks…..Republicans watch commercials, have money. Why is the national news media slanted left when half the country is Republican. It hurts the Democratic Party and it’s getting worse.
bambino's Avatar
The question is why? There’s no doubt it is, other than Fox, which doesn’t even run a 6:30 pm national news show for some reason. Most popular time for people to get their news.
Money talks…..Republicans watch commercials, have money. Why is the national news media slanted left when half the country is Republican. It hurts the Democratic Party and it’s getting worse. Originally Posted by Charley3
Fox runs Brett Bair from 6 to 7pm. He’s a propaganda artist. It’s confusing for you to ask why? They want to control your mind. That’s why. History tells you if you tell a lie long enough, people believe it. This forum is an anecdotal example. They control the narrative. Therefore, they control what people think. But people are opening their eyes and applying critical thinking now. It’s happening around the world. It’s called the “Great Awakening”. The TRUTH is coming like a freight train. Buckle up Buttercup.
chizzy's Avatar
tell a ;ie over and over and it becomes the truth...........

ask a hundred people what is our country based on..... over 90 of them will say the united states is a democracy wrong

it is a constitutional republic
berryberry's Avatar
The question is why? .
Why is the national news media slanted left when half the country is Republican. It hurts the Democratic Party and it’s getting worse. Originally Posted by Charley3
I already told you why - The fact is most of the national new's coverage is very leftist biased because most journalists are dumb leftists who want to push an agenda.

It really is that simple.

Want more - this has tons of data that shows the media is far more liberal than the American public and it has gotten MUCH WORSE since these surveys were done:

Surveys over the past 25 years have consistently found that journalists are more liberal than rest of America. This MRC Special Report summarizes the relevant data on journalist attitudes, as well as polling showing how the American public’s recognition of the media’s liberal bias has grown over the years:

Journalists Vote for Liberals: Between 1964 and 1992, Republicans won the White House five times compared with three Democratic victories. But if only journalists’ ballots were counted, the Democrats would have won every time.

Journalists Say They Are Liberal: Surveys from 1978 to 2004 show that journalists are far more likely to say they are liberal than conservative, and are far more liberal than the public at large.

Journalists Reject Conservative Positions: None of the surveys have found that news organizations are populated by independent thinkers who mix liberal and conservative positions. Most journalists offer reflexively liberal answers to practically every question a pollster can imagine.

The Public Recognizes the Bias: Since 1985, the percentage of Americans who perceive a liberal bias has doubled from 22 percent to 45 percent, nearly half the adult population. Even a plurality of Democrats now say the press is liberal.
In their 1986 book, The Media Elite, political scientists S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman and Linda S. Lichter reported the results of their survey of 240 journalists at the nation’s top media outlets: ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. When asked about their voting patterns, journalists admitted their preference for Democrats:

Of those who say they voted for major party candidates, the proportion of leading journalists who supported the Democratic candidate never drops below 80 percent. In 1972, when more than 60 percent of all voters chose Nixon, over 80 percent among the media elite voted for McGovern.

Journalists Picked Carter over Reagan: In 1982, scholars at California State University at Los Angeles asked reporters from the fifty largest newspapers for whom they voted in 1980. The breakdown: 51 percent cast a ballot for President Jimmy Carter and another 24 percent chose independent candidate (and liberal Republican Congressman) John Anderson. Only 25 percent picked conservative Ronald Reagan, who won 51 percent of the public’s vote that year.

Journalists Picked Mondale over Reagan: In 1985, the Los Angeles Times polled news and editorial staffers at newspapers around the country, weighting the sample so that newspapers with large circulations were more heavily represented. Once again, pollsters discovered a heavy Democratic skew. When asked how they voted in the 1984 election, more than twice as many chose liberal Walter Mondale (58 percent) over the conservative incumbent Ronald Reagan (26 percent), even as the country picked Reagan in a 59 to 41 percent landslide.

The White House Press Corps Voted for Democrats: In early 1995, Ken Walsh of U.S. News & World Report asked his fellow White House reporters to fill out a survey for a book he was writing; 28 returned his questionnaire. He concluded that “the White House press corps is overwhelmingly Democratic, confirming a stereotype often promoted by Republicans.”
Huge Majorities for Dukakis and Clinton: In 2001, Stanley Rothman and Amy E. Black updated the Media Elite’s survey of journalists, and learned that reporters continued to select Democrats. “Three-quarters of elite journalists (76.1 percent)...voted for Michael Dukakis in 1988, and even larger percentages (91.3 percent)...cast ballots for Bill Clinton in 1992,” they reported in the Spring 2001 edition of The Public Interest. Voters were far less exuberant about those liberal candidates, as just 46 percent chose Dukakis and only 43 percent picked Clinton, who nevertheless won a three-way race.

Nine Out of Ten Reporters Voted for Clinton: Rothman and Black’s survey closely matched a Freedom Forum poll of Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, which found 89 percent had voted for Clinton in the 1992 election, compared with seven percent for President Bush and two percent for Ross Perot. “In no state or region, among no race or class, did support for Clinton predominate more lopsidedly than among this sample of 139 journalists who either cover Congress or head a Washington bureau,” summarized Minneapolis Star-Tribune media writer Eric Black in an August 18, 1996 article.

much more here

Cody69's Avatar
... Actually, Trump prolly DID make that statement, mate.

'Course it was almost 20 YEARS AGO - when the Democrats
were "the party of the people"... But NOT SO today.

But let's not wander too far away from the thread topic.
The liberal (national) news-media just may have been
a bit more accurate 20 years ago... But NOT SO today.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Thank you Salty, I didn't expect that from you. I am glad you also tell the truth. Unlike most on here.
... Actually, Trump prolly DID make that statement, mate.

'Course it was almost 20 YEARS AGO - when the Democrats
were "the party of the people"... But NOT SO today.

But let's not wander too far away from the thread topic.
The liberal (national) news-media just may have been
a bit more accurate 20 years ago... But NOT SO today.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Well, maybe 30 years ago. Dan Rather did fake that memo about Bush getting out of serving in the National Guard
Fox runs Brett Bair from 6 to 7pm. He’s a propaganda artist. It’s confusing for you to ask why? They want to control your mind. That’s why. History tells you if you tell a lie long enough, people believe it. This forum is an anecdotal example. They control the narrative. Therefore, they control what people think. But people are opening their eyes and applying critical thinking now. It’s happening around the world. It’s called the “Great Awakening”. The TRUTH is coming like a freight train. Buckle up Buttercup. Originally Posted by bambino
That’s Fox News Brett Baier is on. It may sound trivial but it would help the GOP to have a 6:30 national, daily news run on FOX.

People make the stupid assumption that the big 3 newscast are all unfiltered news. Make it the big 4 and play the same game.