How will proposed national legislation affect Eccie?

TinMan's Avatar
I would post a link if I could find a single source that adequately describes what is going on in Congress this week. Google "human trafficking legislation" and you'll find ample articles that cover the issue.

On Tuesday (5/20), the House passed a slew of bills relating to the subject. There is an expectation that much of this will pass the Senate and get signed into law. Of interest to the membership here is the attempt to hold advertisers accountable for the ads they post when traffickers of children and adults post on their sites.

I think all of us should be interested in hearing the opinions of those that are knowledgeable about such matters, and who have been following this legislation. Will it be broad enough to force sites such as this one to police their advertisers (paid or not) more closely or else shut down?

Personally, I would be happy if those that prey upon the young and weak were excluded from participating on this site. The question is, how does one go about doing it? If I owned Eccie, a site that serves the entire country and beyond, I sure wouldn't want that responsibility, even if I agreed with these legislative goals.
It may the way I read it. They've purposely made it to cover not just human trafficking but also consenting adults when it comes to advertising. Wording just may need to be watched closer.
ICU 812's Avatar
I have never fully understood how ,after putting in the most liberal administration in our nation's history, we now have such an invasive and repressive government; a society I could never have imagined—omly twenty years ago. In 2008 I thought we were only a few years from legalizing The Hobby like it is in Europe or at least Canada: consenting adults BCD.

Whisky-Tango-Foxtrot; Interrogative /Emphatic
That's because liberals are just like the moral majority, they know what's best for us and plan on forcing us to do it. I hope libertarians make more inroads in this country one day.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have a love/hate relationship with this law, I absolutely think there are more things that can be done to ensure that minors are more heavily excluded and censored from this industry, but at the same time, it should not stop woman that are 18 + (I'd really like to see the age bumped to 21) from partaking in this profession.

It is a legitimate service. I feel no different or less respected then an architect, interior designer, doctor or attorney. I put a lot of thought, practice and discipline into this, granted it didn't take me 4-8 years of school to obtain my degree, but it did take many years partaking in this industry to get to the mental and professional level I am at now.

I have been doing this 7 years and this industry has been great to me. Hell, I think I'd be more "damaged" if I had spent the last 7 years in retail, hospitality or shuffling papers for 2k a month, making some company rich that doesn't give 2 shits about me ...

But in all honesty, this law is way over my head, I am simple girl and still think one person can change the world.

If it came down to me having to submit my ID or DL, held to my face along with the pictures I post on my ad's to whatever website I was going to be placing ad's on ... I'd be okay with that.

I'd also be okay with paying, lets say $25, for the initial screening so the website wouldn't be bombarded and not compensated for having to take on this task and from that point forward, I'd be happy to pay $10 or $15 dollars every time I wanted to use new pictures in my ad so the website could reverify, I am the "of age" girl in the ID and these are my pictures.

While it wouldn't be a 100% end to minors being on these boards, it seems like a added layer of protection that would be pretty simple to implement to me.
Just a taught. If our country sells the rights to our Internet to a foreign country how could they step in and try to police it anymore. Eccie and Backpage and all the other sites could just move headquarters to foreign country where prostitution is legal and our country couldn't do shit about it. Just like offshore casinos and bookies they can't stop them only thing they try was to tell the banks not to allow money to be transfer.
I have a love/hate relationship with this law, I absolutely think there are more things that can be done to ensure that minors are more heavily excluded and censored from this industry, but at the same time, it should not stop woman that are 18 + (I'd really like to see the age bumped to 21) from partaking in this profession.

It is a legitimate service. I feel no different or less respected then an architect, interior designer, doctor or attorney. I put a lot of thought, practice and discipline into this, granted it didn't take me 4-8 years of school to obtain my degree, but it did take many years partaking in this industry to get to the mental and professional level I am at now.

I have been doing this 7 years and this industry has been great to me. Hell, I think I'd be more "damaged" if I had spent the last 7 years in retail, hospitality or shuffling papers for 2k a month, making some company rich that doesn't give 2 shits about me ...

But in all honesty, this law is way over my head, I am simple girl and still think one person can change the world.

If it came down to me having to submit my ID or DL, held to my face along with the pictures I post on my ad's to whatever website I was going to be placing ad's on ... I'd be okay with that.

I'd also be okay with paying, lets say $25, for the initial screening so the website wouldn't be bombarded and not compensated for having to take on this task and from that point forward, I'd be happy to pay $10 or $15 dollars every time I wanted to use new pictures in my ad so the website could reverify, I am the "of age" girl in the ID and these are my pictures.

While it wouldn't be a 100% end to minors being on these boards, it seems like a added layer of protection that would be pretty simple to implement to me. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

Agree with your whole post.

Having provider go thru better screening like you said showing a I.D It would be alot more better for everyone. And if they charged a fee it would help weed out alot of the girls that come over here just toget a free ride.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Remember that "Liberals" include feminazis that want to shut down the Hobby because they can't stand the thought of a male enjoying himself with a woman.
TinMan's Avatar
With all due respect, and appreciating the outrage, I don't care if it's feminazis, liberals, conservatives or martians that are behind this. I'm more interested in how it affects ME, not who is behind it.

The fact of the matter is this is the rare case the legislation has bipartisan support.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Agree with your whole post.

Having provider go thru better screening like you said showing a I.D It would be alot more better for everyone. And if they charged a fee it would help weed out alot of the girls that come over here just toget a free ride. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
I completely agree.
With all due respect, and appreciating the outrage, I don't care if it's feminazis, liberals, conservatives or martians that are behind this. I'm more interested in how it affects ME, not who is behind it.

The fact of the matter is this is the rare case the legislation has bipartisan support. Originally Posted by TinMan
Yes indeedy. Like, for example, if posting reviews equals helping a lady's business, and if helping a lady's business equals advertising, and if advertising for these services equals trafficking........then, in the eyes of the law, posting a review could result in being charged for trafficking.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if posting reviews is a good idea at all.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yes indeedy. Like, for example, if posting reviews equals helping a lady's business, and if helping a lady's business equals advertising, and if advertising for these services equals trafficking........then, in the eyes of the law, posting a review could result in being charged for trafficking.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if posting reviews is a good idea at all. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
But you are forgetting, all the stories submitted here are fiction and fantasy.

Also without seeing the actual wording of the legislation, there might be 1st Amendment issues. If the Supreme Court ruled that money equals free speech when it comes to political campaigns (which we know is actually advertising). Then, there might be free speech issues in play.

BTW, doesn't anyone else think that a bunch of whore politicians who prostitute themselves every time they open their mouths is in favor of banning providers and the hobby. As a staunch conservative, providers are nothing more than another small business. We need to be encouraging more providers to stimulate the economy as well as the obvious
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Then, there ARE free speech issues in play. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Minor Edit
However, someone's life would get ruined just for the opportunity to take this all the way up to the final court of 9.
Why do I always think of Ringwraiths whenever I see an article related to the Supreme's?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I think strip clubs would become a lot more popular.