Deposits... Love them or Hate them?

As a companion, I absolutely love them! But I would love to hear your views.

$1000 as merely a deposit. Too rich for my blood!!!
no thanks. cash on the barrelhead only
Chica Chaser's Avatar
As a companion, I absolutely love them! But I would love to hear your views. Originally Posted by Exotic Lily
I'm sure you do!

As a hobbyist, I absolutely hate them! Unless it was a multi-day, travel date for the lady I would not ever consider sending a deposit. Unless you know the provider very well over several sessions and have developed a trust, the risk if losing your money, for a variety of reasons, is too great. I'm sure there will be some that disagree but that just me.

Turn it around....why do you love a deposit? Because if something goes south for the date, it's not a total loss for you, of course. If something goes south for the date for the hobbyist, we are just out the money and can only hope the provider is honest and trustworthy enough to refund it back. Too many horror story's out there about gentlemen being ripped off, plane tickets/hotels/rental cars/etc.

Sorry, Lilly, I've been following your posts and generally like what you say, but have to disagree with you on this one.

P.S. I'm with Charles, 1K is way out of my league, for a deposit or a session!
Unless it was a multi-day, travel date for the lady I would not ever consider sending a deposit. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
CC... i'm not offended at all by your post and I totally agree with your points. While I have never asked for deposits for my 1.5/3/5hr dates, i'm actually in the process of changing the wording on my site only requesting deposits for dates 12hr or longer.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
CC... i'm not offended at all by your post and I totally agree with your points. While I have never asked for deposits for my 1.5/3/5hr dates, i'm actually in the process of changing the wording on my site requesting deposits for dates 12hr or longer. Originally Posted by Exotic Lily
You're a sweetie! When are you coming to Phoenix, the weather is GREAT right now!!

Also, why don't you get a showcase set up? Let us know about you!
As a companion, I absolutely love them! But I would love to hear your views.

Originally Posted by Exotic Lily
You go, girl! You deserve every dime. I think it is genius to require a deposit for extended visits. Do you have a PO Box?
I love deposits too but I do find them harder to get in this economy. I understand there are rip-offs but there are women who are very recognisable and trustworthy.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What happened to trust?

It seems like nobody trusts anybody anymore.

Where did it all go wrong?

You go, girl! You deserve every dime. I think it is genius to require a deposit for extended visits. Do you have a PO Box? Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
I'd be careful w/ PO box. Might be violating some federal laws. Not sure, but just a thought. You might want to use one of those private companies that rents out boxes.
You go, girl! You deserve every dime. I think it is genius to require a deposit for extended visits. Do you have a PO Box? Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
ROTFLMAO! Yes, actually I do have a PO box containing both my real name and stage name (Lily Seymour). About 7yrs ago, I obtained a DBA from the county/registrar's office, this allowed me to set up the box in both names. PO boxes will only accept Express Mail pkgs and not Fed-Ex pkgs so beware of that and I personally believe PO boxes are much safer than Mail Houses because they're not individually own. That particular Fed-Ex pkg was sent to my home because he insisted on using his Fed-ex business acct.... so we had to establish a "trust" which ultimately led to a beautiful weekend.
I can understand the need for deposits to protect the lady for travel related visits to some extent. Once trust has been established this requirement should go away. I generally see ladies for extended visits and only once when I flew a lady across the country for a long weekend in Dallas did I forward her a $2000 deposit. That is the only time in over 12 years of hobbying.
Deposits for extended visits/travel are good.I had to trust someone to make a deposit into my bank acct (the 1 and only time I did this) because he wanted me to drive 90mins to come see him.As soon as I knew he made the deposit,I hit the road and went to meet him.
When traveling mostly if it's for one appointment, I also require deposits. Getting on a plane and securing certain arrangements costs money. The last thing anyone wants is a NCNS. I'm not bring home a shirt and TOFTT!
Only for an extended visit with someone I know personally.No way is a provider getting $1000 up front no matter who she is.Websites can be hijacked ,etc too many ways for the guy to get burned.I know the lady needs to protect herself from travelling for no reason but there has to be a better way..
I have no qualms about paying a lady that amount for a session but never ,ever before meeting.