Emergency Room

shaft.drive's Avatar
Karpuik was rushed to the emergency room of the city hospital. The doctor on duty was amazed to discover that Karpuik had scalded his scrotum. "How did it happen?" he asked. "I was making tea," replied the Polack, "and the directions said, 'Soak bag in hot water.'"
alphonse1948's Avatar
There are some Polish people who request to be buried upside down, so bigots like yourself can Kiss their ass
Here... Let me fix this so it isn't so offensive.....

A Local Kid from the Lower East Side was rushed to the emergency room of New York City hospital. The doctor on duty was amazed to discover that the young man had scalded his scrotum. "How did it happen?" he asked. "I was making tea," replied the New Yorker, "and the directions said, 'Soak bag in hot water.'"

There... That Better ???
Budman's Avatar
There are some Polish people who request to be buried upside down, so bigots like yourself can Kiss their ass Originally Posted by alphonse1948
Are you really that thin skinned that you get offended by a silly joke? Jesus Christ man, get over it. This is political correctness at it's worst.