Dumb, Drunk and Stupid...........

Guest051010-3's Avatar
I was recently talking to a friend of mine and we were reminiscing on our times together.
I have done many crazy things when drunk but i think this could have turned dangerous fast.
Here is a story about 1 night I almost made a man's night unexpectedly.

Yes we were drunk and we decided to go to a sex shop on our way out there was another man walking in front of us. Somehow or another i followed him to his car and jumped in the back i started removing my shirt and he turned around with the biggest smile on his face my friend then starts banging on the window asking what i was doing and pulled me out. The man then gets out of his car and starts hollering for me to back. Needless to say i didn't.

What is your story the funniest, dumbest, craziest, wildest, etc u have ever done?
bigbadbill969's Avatar
I feel so boring. The most outrageous thing I have ever done was to be with 3 at the same time in Costa Rica.....Bill
dearhunter's Avatar
Mine is a story of when I went to a sex shop one time to see what it was all about.........some chick followed me out and climbed into my backseat, shucking her clothes..........then some bitch pulled her out and fucked up what could have been the best day of my life.........fucking bitch.
Captain Gus's Avatar
Well I'm not real proud of this one but when I was in my early 20s I had a roomate. He was always late with his share of the phone bill. So one night after having to cover his cheap ass for the second month in a row I got my revenge.

He had a cat that he just loved and spent tons of money on it. He was pretty gay over it. So one night after a couple too many I rubbed some tuna on my boys and 'mr whiskers' came and cleaned it up. I wasn't proud of it and I'm still not. But seeing him let his cat lick his face weeks later almost gave me a heartattack I laughed so hard.
dearhunter's Avatar
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ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Since the doctors won't let me have alcohol any more... I look down on your shenanigans and just shake my head. But then again, the most embarrassing moments of my adult life involved the over consumption of said beverage;

Getting into a fist fight with my boss at the National Sales Meeting, everyone agreed I should become an entrepreneur...

Going to a local hangout on "Tequila Night" ... came out and shot my car for no apparent reason.. remember muttering something about...putting it out of it's misery ...

Being chased through the French Quarter by a couple of really huge Bouncers, jumping into an occupied cab, offering to pay the entire cab fee to the lady occupant if we could leave NOW... she turned out to be young, hot looking and unbelievable we made out like high school kids. When she got out of the car she gave me her name and phone number and made me promise to call her ..the driver said in an East Asian accent, "She was Hot for you!" and the next day I could not for the life of me remember her name or number...

Pearl Harbor Day... local watering hole serves free Kamakazies and B-52's ... later had to stop at the local convenience store by my house and ask them, "Where am I?" ... seeing my pitiful condition... they pointed to my house and offered to drive me ... insisting I was Ok... I left... drove around for awhile and stopped back at the same store to ask directions ...again...

Driving home after a company party ... blue lights come on behind me... realizing I was wayyy over the legal limit ... pulled into a Kroger parking lot thinking that way they wouldn't tow my car. Decided to go with the "be ultra polite and beg for mercy"... I answered every question the deputy asked me with "Yes Sir or No Sir" .. and every time I did the deputy would look at me real strange..I knew I was a goner... then the deputy said if you promise to drive safe and go straight home ...I'll let you go. Thank you SIR...another strange look...and I was on my way... driving home it hit me...that was a Female Officer...

Come to think of it... maybe them not letting me have any alcohol isn't such a bad Idea after all...
slowrider69's Avatar
dude.... you win

I have a stupid but smart thing.

A buddy of mine and I are trying to pick up the same girl. It is getting late we are drunk and she is still on the fence. I decide I am tired of this game and tactfully mention that his ex-girlfriend gave him herpes. She wants to hear the whole story. Then she goes to the restroom and comes out and starts talking to him. He comes over punches me and then says thanks. It turns out that she too had herpes and they ended up back at the hotel shagging it out.

Stupid part = betraying a good friend for a one night stand
Smart part - not getting herpes

It's one of the priceless MasterCard moments.
simpleton's Avatar
[QUOTE=thirtyfour;178360 I got my revenge.

He had a cat that he just loved and spent tons of money on it. He was pretty gay over it. So one night after a couple too many I rubbed some tuna on my boys and 'mr whiskers' came and cleaned it up. I wasn't proud of it and I'm still not. .[/QUOTE]

How is this revenge?

never mind. please don't explain it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Had a fine chick pick me up (for a change) we went next door to the bank of America parking garage and I fucked the dhit out of her. Never got her name or number or anything dammit lol
Timk48's Avatar
After a night at a motel on the road to somewhere I stopped in for an early breakfast at a Denny's. There were 2 girls giggling away in a booth close to mine. I got breakfast for both and then took one of them back to the motel and had a good time. Unfortunately I had to go on the road that morning so I wasn't able to have any more of a good thing. Never got her name or number either.
Guest091710's Avatar
oh ending up at the wrong palace inn, dressed to play and toy bag in hand, the guy answers the door and was pretty warm and inviting, but wrong room, wrong motel, lol. Its always a blast to go storming across the motel parking lot dressed like a school girl, with a naughty attitude. One guy tripped over the stairs staring, lmao. Esp if its like 10 in the morning.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
oh ending up at the wrong palace inn, dressed to play and toy bag in hand, the guy answers the door and was pretty warm and inviting, but wrong room, wrong motel, lol. Its always a blast to go storming across the motel parking lot dressed like a school girl, with a naughty attitude. One guy tripped over the stairs staring, lmao. Esp if its like 10 in the morning. Originally Posted by subcilla
Good thing I wasn't there cause I probably would have fell over the balcony...lol