Who Do guys Hobby? Just check you local Wal Mart Or Target

We hear a lot of reasons for why guys decide to take up the hobby.
I.e. seeing providers.
After going shopping at my local Wal Mart and Target today the reasons seemed fairly obvious to me.

Walking down the aisles I could not help but think about the statistics that show that Americans have an obesity problem. I would say 90% or more of the women in these stores have serious weight issues.
The guys actually were more like in the 35% range. I saw only a very few ladies that I would consider attractive and most of these were younger .
Don't get me wrong , I'm not talking about folks who are carrying around a few extra pounds , instead I am saying these folks have no shape other than round.
I actually like a normal sized woman , she doesn't have to be extra thin or extremely beautiful. Just not totally out of shape.
I do want her to have at least a wee bit of concern for her appearance and health.
All I could think of by the time I finished shopping was how many very lovely, women are on this site and are providing in general.
This alone is enough to have me seek a provider when I am looking for company.
I guess this just seems a mini rant but I think if the wives and SO's want to keep their man around and happy they should look at themselves in a mirror from time to time and resist the urge to snack.
...and here all this time, I thought love conquered all.

I think if your Spouse or SO being overweight is the only problem you have in your relationship, you are doing well.

Men do not cheat because their spouse is fat...they cheat because it's in their nature to find strange.

I understand the whole attraction thing...completely, but, if we all judged each other that harshly, I am sure that we could find something wrong with everyone we meet, that would cause us not to be attracted to them.

As far as the hobby is concerned...not every man here is looking for the hard body. WALDT
That may be why some men hobby, but I agree with Reese. It's more complex I think. My wife is good looking and very in shape. It's like the old saying, "No matter how hot she is, some guy is tired of fucking her." There must be a kernel of truth in that pearl somewhere.
Well Reese as I said I am not looking strictly for hardbodies myself.
I am just saying this "could" be a reason why some guys hobby.

Whether we want to admit it or not physical attraction plays a very big part in who we find appealing.

You are correct too that many guys hobby because they are dogs and are on the hunt. But there are other reasons to hobby.
And all this time I thought guys hobbied because they weren't getting MPFS MSOG at home or their wives refuse to do BBBJ. Doh! Shows what I know

BTW Reese that cleavage is to drooooool for!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yes, there are some people that are just FREAKISHLY obese. I'm not saying this to be rude, but you look at some people and just go, 'wow'. Forget the, 'I could stand to lose 20lb's' range. There are folks who are 80, 90, and 100+ lbs over the OVERWEIGHT point...and beyond. When you have flab hanging over flab, that.....just amazes me. I'm not perfect myself, but I try. I'm in the, I could stand to lose 20' group. I get the, 'you look like a football player' comments on occasion. There's some muscular structure to my look. No flab overhang, though, but I still want to lose those 20.

I think part of the problem with this country is too many people think trying to stay in shape is 'nerdy' and just generally uncool. Then you have those jokers who's most vigorous 'exercise' is them JOGGING THEIR MEMORY to recall how much they HATE exercising. Don't cha hate seeing those youngsters, you know, 15 to maybe 20, 22 years old. They aren't fat necessarily, they just HAVE NO MUSCLE TONE. I mean NONE!! Their bodies are straight up and down, except in the waist area where it's just REALLLLLY SOFT and pudgy. Or you'll see a chick that's kinda hot from behind, a lil booty roundness going on even. She turns around and there's that OVERHANG of belly. I think to myself, 'Ooooh, nooooooo!!!'

The First Lady tries to suggest a healthier way of living, morons bash her for it. That's part of the problem as well, I think. You look like an idiot when you oppose someone who suggests that you should eat better and exercise more. Weight issues have gotten REAL BAD in this country, to EMBARRASSING levels if you ask me.

I actually prefer providers who have that healthy curviness to them. Not female bodybuilder tight (not into that), just have some firmness. Skin should be kinda tight. That's all I'm saying.
Rambro I couldn't agree more! It is sad to see even the relatively thin kids just so devoid of any muscle tone at all. It is like a prelude to a weird sci-fi future world where we evolve into gelatinous blobs and everything is cyber-ran.

When I was a kid we played so freaking hard that we were like ravenous beasts by dinner time because we had expended so much energy during the day.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, what happened to kids playing all day, every day?

When I was a kid that's all we did.
video games and computers is what happened.

mom and dad's that make you eat ALL your food before you can leave the table.
video games and computers is what happened.

mom and dad's that make you eat ALL your food before you can leave the table. Originally Posted by LeilaniBebe

I agree 100%

I actually did not allow my kids to have video games. Yes they bitched and complained about it somewhat, but oh freaking well, I am the mom and I am in charge! They played in the yard and on the playground, and they are now two very beautiful and physically fit young ladies. My youngest still walks everywhere she goes because she is too young to drive, and just looking at her makes me think maybe I should start walking everywhere I go! It obviously does a body good to get out and get moving.

Also I always fixed them tiny portions and if they were still hungry they could have more. I NEVER understood the parents who fixed a 30 pound kid a heaping plate full of food and then DEMANDED they finish it. Some sort of mind-game power-trip crap if you ask me. This is something I learned from my mom, she had a severe aversion to kids being force fed. THANK YOU MOM!!!
When i was a kid me and my friends played baseball almost every day during the summer.
When we weren't doing that we were swimming ,fishing riding our bikes or chasing girls.
Now that I am old...er I still make sure I spend quite a few hours outside.
I can't do all of the things I could when I was young because of arthritis but I still make sure I get exercise and fresh un-air conditioned air..

Many Americans lead a sedintary lifestyle and make excuses for not being active.
Its too hot,too cold etc, etc.
People of Walmart Video

You will get a kick out of this, if these peeps were my SO, I would hobby too!
tsrv4me's Avatar
That is SO TRUE ....Marla ......I was in Wal-Mart recently in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area.A young lady ahead of me in line was wearing a pair of shorts ......and she bent over to pick up an item ..her shorts drooped low in the back and exposed her butt crack ....In that aformentioned butt-crack she had a set of keys dangling out of it .....I tried to get my phone out to snap a picture but I was all fingers as I tried to not to laugh uproariously ......never thought of that as a keeper of the keys or storage space ...but it was funny ....
I would've died laughing to see a set of keys dangling out of someones butt crack!

When I was in my 20's I used to wear a lot of sports bras and I would shove EVERYTHING in the crack between my breasts. Lighters, keys, little black book, you name it. My ex-hubby had dubbed it the "bra of holding." Keys in the asscrack reminded me of that. Nowadays I wear the frilly fancy big-girl bras, lol, so no more bra of holding for me although I can still manage to get my cellphone in there.

OMFG Marla in Walmart in a tank-top with my cell phone sticking out of one boob. Soooooooo fits right in with that video.
it goes both ways.