For Real This Time

verygood69's Avatar
Just want to say thank you to all of you on the site. I am now exiting the hobby for real this time and as soon as my subscription is out, I will no longer be around.

I must say, I have met some lovely Ladies on here and I had a blast visiting each of you!!!!!

You know..... This place has gotten pretty crazy with some things which I'm sure you all know of what I'm speaking of. With that said that is one of the factors of my decision.... Not the only but one of them.

Just want to wish everyone the best in their life moving forward!!!!!!

You will be missed!!!!!


And I'm out.
Is there a farewell post on this site daily now?
Best Wishes, Hun!
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Adios Amigo
Don't sweat the petty
Pet the sweaty
Best Wishes!
Was it my sex change?
Was it my sex change? Originally Posted by THN
I will miss you baby muah. So glad to have met you we certainly need more guy like you.
Pedrosia's Avatar
Was it my sex change? Originally Posted by THN
You were a guy?
Best of luck doll. Thanks for always being such a sweetheart!
Later Vg69, best wishes moving forward.
I took a long break and just started getting back into the hobby - can anyone pm me the "[t]his place has gotten pretty crazy with some things which I'm sure you all know of what I'm speaking of" happenings?

Maybe I should go back banging the neighbors?!
Sorry we never got a chance to have that beer VG. Best of luck