Five Tips for Survival on a SHMB

TinMan's Avatar
Several threads caused me to think of this. Ten years on the boards, and I assure you I have violated every one of these rules at one time or my ultimate regret.

1. Don't be judgmental. Remember that you, too, are spending time contributing to a SHMB.

2. Don't preach. The people you are trying to convert aren't going to pay attention to you anyway.

3. I can't tell you the number of times I have finished typing a witty, scathing, memorable-for-all-eternity post, only to pause for a minute before moving on to something else without hitting the "Submit" button. Not once have I regretted that decision.

4. Treat everyone as an adult, even if they aren't acting like one.

5. Don't take the Hobby seriously, but take your personal security and privacy VERY seriously.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Very nice. I'm sure there will be those who come along in successive replies and "add to" your list but I like your five. I, too, have broken and probably will continue to break them. In particular, as a perpetual child, I'll find number 4 to be the greatest challenge! But I agree that long-term viability in the hobby depends on observing all of them.

Great post.
i delete 99 percent of what i type, most of it involves violating number 4.
Monkmonk, like the avatar! Hope you got to take the pic yourself. That looks like something different and a fun change-of-pace from the usual BCD!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Well said!
Five rules that cover just about everything.
Great post Tinman so true.
Hercules's Avatar
Took me a while to get there. But now I really could care less what anyone thinks of me based on my "posting style" on this or any other internet forum. If someone chooses to base their opinion solely on what I type then they are too small-minded for me to waste my time with in the first place.

Having multiple posts/reviews does not make one a better husband/wife, father/mother, employee/employer or human being for that matter. Just means you spend a lot of time contributing to prostitution.
aww Tin,

I love you too.

I probably break 3 the most lately. I was doing pretty good there for a while. But with school out and on vacation from work...well, boredom set in. I will put in a new years resolution to be half as witty during spring break. But it's hard with so much encouragement sometimes. Maybe I'll go stir some stuff up on the slower sites.

And yes - 4 is important - especially when I myself use it to make points too. I shouldn't be a hypocrite when being a hypocrite is the one thing that irks me more than anything in the world.

But you have to admit. It has been a bit more exciting round here lately. Right?
TinMan's Avatar
Yeah, I gotta admit, feisty women do make this board more interesting
pyramider's Avatar
I don't break of those stupid rules.
Absolutely wonderful post ad thread! I hope everyone that reads it can take away something very useful from it, as I have. Thank you.
ShysterJon's Avatar
You left off wipe your ass and wash your balls.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Several threads caused me to think of this. Ten years on the boards, and I assure you I have violated every one of these rules at one time or my ultimate regret.

1. Don't be judgmental. Remember that you, too, are spending time contributing to a SHMB.

2. Don't preach. The people you are trying to convert aren't going to pay attention to you anyway.

3. I can't tell you the number of times I have finished typing a witty, scathing, memorable-for-all-eternity post, only to pause for a minute before moving on to something else without hitting the "Submit" button. Not once have I regretted that decision.

4. Treat everyone as an adult, even if they aren't acting like one.

5. Don't take the Hobby seriously, but take your personal security and privacy VERY seriously.

Merry Christmas everyone! Originally Posted by TinMan
TinMan - GREAT Advice! I just wish I followed it more frequently. I recently read a book whose forward contained this:

"And here's a keyboard, connected to the entire world. Here's a publishing platform you can use to interact with just about anyone, just about anytime, for free. You wanted a level playing field, one where you have just as good a shot as anyone else? Here it is. Do the work."

There's a level of egotism associated with everyone who posts on these threads, and many times we let it get in the way of good judgement. Maybe I'll make a New Year's resolution to try to do better.

And maybe some others will make one to try to correct their grammar, quit being white knights, and to correct all of the other sins we seem to commit.

Don't hold your breath.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
1. Don't be judgmental. Remember that you, too, are spending time contributing to a SHMB.

2. Don't preach. The people you are trying to convert aren't going to pay attention to you anyway. Originally Posted by TinMan

I can't tell you how many times I've read threads and just shake my head. Loved the post and thanks for reminding us this should be fun!!!!
Tinman....I'm gonna do what I want!!
