‘When Women Got the Right to Vote…’: Rush Limbaugh Sets Trap for Outraged Liberals

joe bloe's Avatar
In the interest of being fair and balanced, I felt obligated to post this article to counter Big Louise's attack on (national treasure) Rush Limbaugh. As the title of the story references, Big Louise got caught in the trap.

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  • 07-05-2012, 01:59 PM
If that was a joke, fine. Then i'm here to tell ya that Rush Limbaugh is, in reality, another Stephen Colbert - being funny by acting like an over the top Conservative.

I guess from now on we need to wonder if Rush is making fun of Liberals, or making fun of Conservatives.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Colbert hopes to lick the sweat off of Rush's balls someday.
If putting your foot in your mouth then rush is a master baiter.
I listened to the radio clip of Rush and he was not joking, but he did back track once he realized what he said then made the comment he was joking and just frustrated. This man hates women and it is very clear and more than obvious just by listening to all his rantings about women, their rights their bodies etc.. I think his little "back track" comment may be a sign that he did get hurt financially from all the Sandra Fluke comments and others and now he is having to temper his comments a bit. For him that is a real challenge as the man has no impulse control what so ever.

I for one hope he says more outrageous stuff and carries on as the imbecile that he is, because he may not realize it but he is affecting his business, his radio show and not in a good way. His behavior and nonsensical rantings are catching up with him.
joe bloe's Avatar
I listened to the radio clip of Rush and he was not joking, but he did back track once he realized what he said then made the comment he was joking and just frustrated. This man hates women and it is very clear and more than obvious just by listening to all his rantings about women, their rights their bodies etc.. I think his little "back track" comment may be a sign that he did get hurt financially from all the Sandra Fluke comments and others and now he is having to temper his comments a bit. For him that is a real challenge as the man has no impulse control what so ever.

I for one hope he says more outrageous stuff and carries on as the imbecile that he is, because he may not realize it but he is affecting his business, his radio show and not in a good way. His behavior and nonsensical rantings are catching up with him. Originally Posted by Sensia
Rush is the most successful radio personality in history. Rush invented the concept of a national talk radio show centered around politics. Many liberals have tryed to copy his format and failed.

Rush's on air personality is meant to be provative. His comments are often satirical and over the top; they are intended to annoy liberals. Some dim witted people don't recognize ironic humor, and take all Rush's comments literally. These are the people that hate Rush.

Rush's ratings are higher than ever. The recent controversy over his comments on, slut prostitute, Sandra Fluke have actually caused his ratings to increase. The attacks on Rush only make him more popular. Many people started listening to Rush after the (slut prostitute) Sandra Fluke controversy, just to see what all the fuss was about, and continued listening, because they discovered that Rush is not a hate monger, like his critics have claimed.
Rush is the most successful radio personality in history. Rush invented the concept of a national talk radio show centered around politics. Many liberals have tryed to copy his format and failed.

Rush's on air personality is meant to be provative. His comments are often satirical and over the top; they are intended to annoy liberals. Some dim witted people don't recognize ironic humor, and take all Rush's comments literally. These are the people that hate Rush.

Rush's ratings are higher than ever. The recent controversy over his comments on, slut prostitute, Sandra Fluke have actually caused his ratings to increase. The attacks on Rush only make him more popular. Many people started listening to Rush after the (slut prostitute) Sandra Fluke controversy, just to see what all the fuss was about, and continued listening, because they discovered that Rush is not a hate monger, like his critics have claimed. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Well I guess the same can be said about those who carry on about Bill Maher, Steven Colbert, and John Stewart..

However, Rush didn't start his career as a political comedian. Provocative, shit stirrer, controversial.. indeed, Rush is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You listened to a clip? A clip? An edited clip from whom? Media Matters? The Daily Kos? The Huffington Post? Why did we bother spending any time with you at all.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 07-06-2012, 02:02 PM
You listened to a clip? A clip? An edited clip from whom? Media Matters? The Daily Kos? The Huffington Post? Why did we bother spending any time with you at all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, i listened to the clip that Joe Bloe linked to and i don't think he was joking either. Sure wasn't much in the way of laughter coming from either him or the caller.

But if you wanna think he was joking, then knock yourself out. Because frankly, he sounded just as serious as he sounds with everything else he says. So again, i'd suggest you've lost all ability to know when he's joking and when he's not joking. Ergo, he's just as likely to be punking you and he is to be punking liberals.
Whenever Rush is cornered, he was joking.
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  • 07-06-2012, 05:45 PM
Colbert hopes to lick the sweat off of Rush's balls someday. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
they discovered that Rush is not a hate monger, like his critics have claimed. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Admit it, guys, you actually found yourself somewhat disappointed when you heard Rush follow up his comments by suggesting he was only joking.....didncha?
I have never listened to Rush, but you can't take away the fact that he is one of the very few people that can make millions of both libs and conservatives talk about him. Truly genious marketing, regardless of whether you like him or not. Eccie is but one of the many as evidence. All that would have to happen is for all dems to simply ignore him and he would go away, but they can't. Amazing.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
as I said before, "laughing all the way to the bank"

John Hare, former general manager for WBAP, was a neighbor of mine, he retired as President of ABC radio, so he laughed all the way to bank because of his support for Rush, they were close
just an opinion ....

Rush is a egomanic complete narcisistic ASSHOLE !
......and a simple genius at making copius amounts of $$$ for himself.

the boy works with emotions....thus illogic.
Turns anger management into $.

no one is capable THINKING when they're angry or emotionally out of sync,
They just react.

He's very good at what he does and seems most people don't THINK a hell of alot or Hitler would not have had anyone join his insane club.
There always have been "followers" that want someone to think for them and/or to be lead, not be individual's or independent thinker's.

Which today is somewhat even more understandable given the amount of NOISE we are subjected to everyday. From being bombarded constantly with advertising to buy crap we don't really need, to buying into peer presure to compete or fly some flag for shit that doesn't really add any REAL enrichment to our lives, ETC. ETC......ETC. ,

We all have to filter out this crap to even be able to THINK.

"It's hard to remember your main objective was to drain the swamp, when your up to your ass in imaginary alligators"
"If everyone else is doing it. You REALLY may not want to."
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  • 07-08-2012, 05:35 AM
Imaginary alligators....I like that! Perfect description of Rush and his sheep.