As the United Nations prepares its final push to ratify a controversial gun treaty, the U.S. Senate is set to approve the measure which critics say will not only give away U.S. sovereignty but directly attack the individual gun rights of American citizens, according to a report published Thursday at Stand Up America.

Democrats still hold the majority in the Senate.

Known as "the U.N. small arms treaty," the measure would regulate private gun ownership, according to firearms rights watchdog groups.

Retired Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who has been at the forefront of citizen opposition to the treaty, stated,
There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend

The treaty has been in the works for several years, and both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have expressed full support for the measure, which critics say is an underhanded attempt to implement massive gun control without having to go through the normal legislative process in Congress.
Obama stated during the 2008 presidential campaign that he would not seek to push gun control through Congress due to the fact that he does not have the votes. And on that point he is correct. Gun control has fallen on hard times in America over the past two decades. Increasingly states are enacting laws that give citizens greater leeway in self defense, many approving bills that allow citizens to carry guns either openly or concealed without having a permit from the state.

In addition, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in two monumental cases in 2008 and 2010 that most of the anti-gun laws in the District of Columbia and in Chicago were unconstitutional. The ruling also clarified the definition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, stating that the right to bear arms is an individual rather than a "collective" right.

Thus, known gun opponents such as Obama and Hillary Clinton immediately went to work to devise plans, under the radar, to attempt to change the tide of public opinion about firearms and implement gun control without the approval of Congress, according to government whistleblowers and watchdogs.

One plan was to send U.S. firearms to Mexican drug cartels as a means of padding statistics that would "prove" the administration's contention that "90 percent of the firearms used by the cartels come from the United States."

The other plan was to bypass Congress and use the U.N. to trump U.S. law by signing a treaty that would grant international supervision over the sale and possession of guns in America.

But the plans have been met by heavy opposition. Congress has exposed the scheme inherent in the Fast and Furious operation, leading to contempt charges against Attorney General Eric Holder. Hillary Clinton has been implicated in the scandal as one of the original masterminds behind the scheme. And over 130 members of Congress have openly expressed their opposition to the U.N. small arms treaty.

The Senate is also considering another U.N. based treaty called "The Law of the Sea," which is intended to regulate international waterways but would hand over U.S. sovereignty to international entities, according to critics.

President Reagan refused to approve the treaty in 1982 due to sovereignty issues. But Obama and Hillary Clinton have pushed for its ratification.

Both bills have created a firestorm of controversy due to their encroachment on the Bill of Rights and the final authority of Congress to regulate international commerce.

According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the authority to regulate international commerce pertaining to the United States, and thus, critics say that the treaties are blatantly unconstitutional.

Proponents of the bills often engage in what opponents say is "Orwellian newspeak" in their frantic attempts to get the treaties approved. The Law of the Sea Treaty, for example, is being promoted as a method of "protecting U.S. sovereignty" in spite of the fact that it does nothing of the sort. And the small arms treaty is promoted as having nothing to do with individual gun rights but is rather an attempt to address gun sales by "rogue nations."

But the gun treaty applies directly to the United States and lumps the nation together with so called "rogue nations." Thus, the treaty would directly impact gun sales in the U.S. and by extension the gun rights of individual citizens.
I understand the premise, but it's not that dire unless the states go along with it. We have an international treaty not to legalize weed as well, but many states have already done so for medicinal purposes, and three are at the ballot for full blown legalization in November. Thank god there are citizens and states that still tell the feds to shove their laws and treaties up their ass. I love America, some places anyway.
Fuck the UN. Our 2d Ammendment trumps all of that shit.
Join the NRA. If every gun owner in the U.S.A.would join the NRA and get out and vote we would't be bothered with the shit they are trying to do.
The whole idea is to chip away at our rights a little at a time, under the giess of the U.N.
The voice of the majority may be a valid method for electing public officials, but it is a violation of principles of freedom when it is used to force the philosopy of one group on another.
Our Founding Fathers realized that and inacted safefguards to prevent the "tyranny of the majority".
But current referendum process bypasses thse safe guards, and puts ALL FREEDOMS at risk.
Today the majority would tell us what firearms we can or CANNOT own.
Tomorrow it may be what books we can read!
The trouble with most laws in this country that affect our liberties are being brought in the back door before we know it.
We gun owners must not fall into apathy over the Supreme Courts ruling in favor of our gun rights by a vote of 4-5.
Has anyone noticed the Democrat party is not talking about gun controll this election cycle? They are not because it costs them elections! If they remain in contoll the president will start initiating his gun ban proposals.
I may be just an old dumb country boy, but something smells bad about the U.N. deal. A bunch of burecates making decisions that will undermine the Constitution of our great country
I love our country and have scars to prove it.
Gentlemen and Ladies wake up to what is goin on BCD's.
We are the only nation left on the planet that alows it's citizen the right to keep and bear arms.
Just My 2Cents Worth
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-08-2012, 12:30 PM
an extension of Fast and Furious

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It will be very interesting to see the truth behind "fast and Furious".

Yep, if you are a gun owner and not a member of the NRA you should be.

Please be advised that the NRA is a SINGLE ISSUE organization and will support a Democrat over a Republican IF they have the best record on the 2ND amendment rights. There are some, but not many, that do not answer the NRA's questionnaires and thus will not get the support of the NRA.
Sop if you join thinking they are TEA party conservatives, they are not. As an example they supported Harry in Nevada because of his pork spending, on a shooting/ training range, to the tune of about 65million.

Full disclosure, I am a life member of the NRA.
another thread to put the sheeple in a panic.
another thread to put the sheeple in a panic. Originally Posted by ekim008
Sheeples need panic...Fuckem

Nice post WW.
Nice cut and paste post without listing your source WW. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
There, I fixed it for you.

No charge!
There, I fixed it for you.

No charge! Originally Posted by bigtex
There are dozens of links in his article. You now must get on your knees, COG will be here soon. You know what to do, BigGimp.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-08-2012, 03:47 PM
There are dozens of links in his article. You now must get on your knees, COG will be here soon. You know what to do, BigGimp. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

COF needs a facial ?

who knew?

google it dumb and lazy ass...................if you really want to know the source.

There, I fixed it for you.

No charge! Originally Posted by bigtex
COF needs a facial ?

who knew?

Originally Posted by CJ7
Just close your eyes and say "AWWWWW". COG will throat fuck you again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just close your eyes and say "AWWWWW". COG will throat fuck you again. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Jiffy, you're not helping. When I say I like to fuck an asshole it isn't any of these guys. Kayla, yes. These guys, no.@
Jiffy, you're not helping. When I say I like to fuck an asshole it isn't any of these guys. Kayla, yes. These guys, no.@ Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry man, You know you are like a parasite in their fucked up heads. Kayla will always have a place to sit as long as I'm alive.