Q'tards take note. This defense probably won't work.

TechPapi's Avatar
Just more examples of what happens when you're fucking stupid and believe stupid shit. Be careful bambino.

A Michigan man has pled insanity after being charged with the murder of his wife.

Troy Burke has been incarcerated after murdering his wife in January of 2021

Burke, 45, shot his wife Jessica, 29, three times in the small town of Elwell, Michigan and just a year later has entered a plea of insanity that could keep him from serving hard time.

MI Man Who Killed Wife Claims QAnoners Said She Worked For CIA

The plea came after Burke underwent two forensic psychiatric evaluations which both concluded while Burke admitted to the killing, his reasoning for doing so crossed into delusions making him unfit to stand trial.

The evaluations noted Burke had a history of mental illness that led to multiple stints in mental health institutions.

Burke's attorney, Sarah Huyser, said of Burke:

"He could tell me why he was in jail. He could tell what my job was, the judge's job, the prosecutor's job. He's an articulate and intelligent man."
However, Huyser said Burke reportedly told prosecutors his reason for killing Jessica was because the conspiracy group QAnon told him to.

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy cult that claims the world is run by a secret cabal of Satanic pedophiles who run a global underground sex trafficking ring they are working to take down with the help of former President Donald Trump.

Burke claimed QAnon representatives contacted him through his tablet and told him his wife was a secret CIA agent and needed to be killed.

He also claimed his wife was originally a son of President Joe Biden and had a "sex change operation" before becoming his wife.

Burke even told investigators he believed he had a neuro-link chip implanted in his brain.

Huyser said:

"He believed them. They may sound illogical to us. They may, when we hear them, we are thinking that's crazy for the lack of a better way to say that, but imagine being in the mindset where all of that is very real and very scary."
Twitter users are outraged over the newest in a line of QAnon-related murders.
winn dixie's Avatar
And you believe that made up story by a murderer?

bambino's Avatar
Snow White...
Referred to 30 _Q_ drops
The CIA had< seven huge, super-secret, global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters and was named after the seven dwarfs... Operation Snow White///..
CIA created CAA in Hollywood also funded Walt Disney, Hugh Hefner, and among many other paid/controlled OPERATIONS like Mockingbird/>>Honey traps (Marilyn Monroe had Military clearance to California Military base (CIA}> Courtney Love also was a placed low level CIA agent who ran drugs through England punk scene and trafficked girls between ELITES///

>These CIA super computers were hacked my U.S. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALIONS
These files and computers (SNOW WHITE) is the connection to WORLD WIDE TRAFFICKING RINGS AND ELITE RINGS>>
TechPapi's Avatar
I'm sure your wife left you long ago. You're probably safe.
bambino's Avatar
I'm sure your wife left you long ago. You're probably safe. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Nope. Married 35yrs. You?
TechPapi's Avatar
Nope. Married 35yrs. You? Originally Posted by bambino

Yeah? Any kids? Who's the father?
Just more examples of what happens when you're fucking stupid and believe stupid shit. Be careful bambino.

A Michigan man has pled insanity after being charged with the murder of his wife.

Troy Burke has been incarcerated after murdering his wife in January of 2021

Burke, 45, shot his wife Jessica, 29, three times in the small town of Elwell, Michigan and just a year later has entered a plea of insanity that could keep him from serving hard time.

MI Man Who Killed Wife Claims QAnoners Said She Worked For CIA

The plea came after Burke underwent two forensic psychiatric evaluations which both concluded while Burke admitted to the killing, his reasoning for doing so crossed into delusions making him unfit to stand trial.

The evaluations noted Burke had a history of mental illness that led to multiple stints in mental health institutions.

Burke's attorney, Sarah Huyser, said of Burke:

"He could tell me why he was in jail. He could tell what my job was, the judge's job, the prosecutor's job. He's an articulate and intelligent man."
However, Huyser said Burke reportedly told prosecutors his reason for killing Jessica was because the conspiracy group QAnon told him to.

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy cult that claims the world is run by a secret cabal of Satanic pedophiles who run a global underground sex trafficking ring they are working to take down with the help of former President Donald Trump.

Burke claimed QAnon representatives contacted him through his tablet and told him his wife was a secret CIA agent and needed to be killed.

He also claimed his wife was originally a son of President Joe Biden and had a "sex change operation" before becoming his wife.

Burke even told investigators he believed he had a neuro-link chip implanted in his brain.

Huyser said:

"He believed them. They may sound illogical to us. They may, when we hear them, we are thinking that's crazy for the lack of a better way to say that, but imagine being in the mindset where all of that is very real and very scary."
Twitter users are outraged over the newest in a line of QAnon-related murders.
Originally Posted by TechPapi
Talk about believing stupid shit. I bet you still believe that wimp Jussie Smollett was attacked by two big Nigerians and only sustained a scratch, lol. Take your own advice on stupidity.
Yeah? Any kids? Who's the father? Originally Posted by TechPapi
WHY are you asking about another member's children?

### Salty
TechPapi's Avatar
Talk about believing stupid shit. I bet you still believe that wimp Jussie Smollett was attacked by two big Nigerians and only sustained a scratch, lol. Take your own advice on stupidity. Originally Posted by Levianon17

No kidding! I'll bet you believe the bible! Did a boat half the size of a football field hold ALL the animals? lol
No kidding! I'll bet you believe the bible! Did a boat half the size of a football field hold ALL the animals? lol Originally Posted by TechPapi
You're a light weight. You believe some strung out has been low budget actor's stupid story. Typical atheist retard wants to bring up the Bible when he gets his ass handed to him, lol.
TechPapi's Avatar
You're a light weight. You believe some strung out has been low budget actor's stupid story. Typical atheist retard wants to bring up the Bible when he gets his ass handed to him, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17

OH! You got me there smart fella. Actually, I think they should toss that fucker (Smollett) in jail. I'm sure you feel the same about those two white supremies that killed that black dude walking through their neighborhood.

But no, I was specifically going after your "believe stupid shit" comment. You don't get to accuse others of believing stupid shit when you do.
So tell me: Do you believe the world was covered by water and an ark held all the animals? Just tell us.
OH! You got me there smart fella. Actually, I think they should toss that fucker (Smollett) in jail. I'm sure you feel the same about those two white supremies that killed that black dude walking through their neighborhood.

But no, I was specifically going after your "believe stupid shit" comment. You don't get to accuse others of believing stupid shit when you do.
So tell me: Do you believe the world was covered by water and an ark held all the animals? Just tell us. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Who are you to say with any impunity that there wasn't a great Flood that destroyed the Earth. Now since it's in the Bible which has been around longer than you and has been read by more people than you'll ever meet you go ahead and knock yourself out and debunk it.
TechPapi's Avatar
Who are you to say with any impunity that there wasn't a great Flood that destroyed the Earth. Now since it's in the Bible which has been around longer than you and has been read by more people than you'll ever meet you go ahead and knock yourself out and debunk it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

LOL. So you DO believe it, but you're too much of a pussy to say so. I don't blame you. I'm sure saying or typing it out loud makes you feel ridiculous. And being around longer and read by a lot people is the ONLY requirement for something to be true? I got some books I can recommend that are older than the bible for you. But I'm pretty sure you can't read, and definitely never read the bible.

So, do you think the earth was created in 6 days?

Oh and "flood" isn't a proper noun. In fact, "earth" isn't either. No capitalization necessary.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a classic example of how to post a "5 star" thread that becomes a two star thread heading south like a duck in winter to 1 star in 13 posts or less.

LOL. So you DO believe it, but you're too much of a pussy to say so. I don't blame you. I'm sure saying or typing it out loud makes you feel ridiculous. And being around longer and read by a lot people is the ONLY requirement for something to be true? I got some books I can recommend that are older than the bible for you. But I'm pretty sure you can't read, and definitely never read the bible.

So, do you think the earth was created in 6 days?

Oh and "flood" isn't a proper noun. In fact, "earth" isn't either. No capitalization necessary. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Yeah. Of course you think the Bible and Christianity is ridiculous but don't you think it's ridiculous to believe that the Earth the moon and the stars and mankind was created from nothing?