As I woke up this morning well rested and amused with my own performance from day one...I was greeted with a private message.
See I don't take any of this too seriously. As I stated this is all a goof...for my own amusement.
If you truly take my sarcasm literally than shame on you for lack of intelligence.
If the board police truly thinks any sane person is going to read the rules on here that are longer than War and Peace...shame on them.
This is where instead of being guided by ridiculous should look at the intent.
If I take shots at Plastic Man or any other member I liken it to locker room ball busting....bonding if you will.
Getting an infraction for "beastiality" comments is truly hilarious to me. Yeah bro that's what I meant literally....hey get over yourself. Go back read the context of the conversation.
I could kick back and have a drink with anybody on here almost...But word to the wise...when the site likens itself to that of Communist North Korea and we censor fun, creativity, humor, ball busting, etc...the site will go the direction it was already going....and people will find other avenues to exchange information without the headache.
Common sense should rule the day. I'm here to provide thoughtful conversation on a few topics and humor.
This is nothing new and I knew of this when I signed up. The police need to step back and assess big you want a vibrant board guided with fun, critical examination of issues, and honesty and grow traffic...or...nitpick board posts to death where people say fuck this and just leave...
Your choice