Hey everyone Paige here ok so I been at this like 3 months now lol not long but like i have a question! I've never wrote anything in here but I read it all the time, so my question is tattoos? As you can see i have them and a lot of them, however i love them I would just like to know how clients and others feel about them. Do you like them? Hate them? just really how you feel toward them????
I love 'em also. Never had any complaints though
I think your tattoos are hot Paige. I think you have some of the best ink of any provider on here. Totally Hawt
lol i know you love them Dr. Olney lol and thank you so much for the compliment
Satyrrical's Avatar
I guess I'll pony up the first semi-negative vote. I prefer no tats, no piercings, and some form of hair down there. I am so retro I should be 20 years older than I am.

However, if the lady is "my type" other than body art, I look beyond.
Sweetie, it is just like asking if everyone likes blondes, or brunettes, and why or why not? Green eyes, or blue eyes, or brown? Or tanned skin, creamy skin, ect...

It all comes down to preference. Everyone has their own. It doesn't matter how many does not like them, because there will be just as many who does! What's most important is do YOU like them? Do you enjoy having them? Proud of them? Regret them?

How a lady thinks of herself, and carries herself is 90% of her sexy.

Looking at your pictures, your a very, very sexy one indeed! It looks as though the ink you have was tastefully done, and is artistic. Me, personally, that's what I like. Jail tats, and done at home tats...poorly done tats...those are not appealing to me at all. Yours are gorgeous!
well thank you for being honest lol i have many tattoos and my lip pierced and trimmed but its always funny to me how you see that in my pictures and a lot of people want to see me because the way i look and then i get people who say i would love to see you but to many tattoos for me i think thats crazy and kinda rude why even message me if thats how you feel lol im confused!!
  • jismo
  • 10-12-2010, 07:52 PM
Def a personal thing. I love tats on a gal, if they are tasteful. No hate type. You are definitely hot and I'd not complain about your tats. I love MOST of the LA Ink gals tats... Absolutely hate facial piercings...but down low...the major googoo button.
thank you and i dont regret them at all i love em they make me me and there are reasons for them so thanks for your input i like it lol
Love tats & metal too. Maybe its the rebel in me.
TexTushHog's Avatar
lol thanks didnt know that was there lol sorry to ask again
Paige, I LOVE body art on a woman. It is super sexy to me and I feel it gives me some insight into the woman herself. Here is a tribute the the beauty of tattoos: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=17771

Bancroft1957's Avatar
I love tattoos! The only place that is a little questionable are the hands, side & front of the neck, and anywhere on the face. Have them there, and you start to look like a gang member.
John Bull's Avatar
Don't really like tattoo's but if they're not overwhelming and the lady has a hot, hot bod, I can live with them.
The facial or genital piercings however rate a