Does Twitter Represent a Reality?

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Limbaugh and Hannity have often said that Twitter was, in some ways, not real or did not represent a reality.

I do recall that Rush had figured out that when a cascade of negative tweets on something he had said hit the 'net, that it was just a small number of operators twittering away and re-tweeting in an echo effect.

So to find that there are far fewer real accounts than the Twitter organization reports is not surprising. Did the Twitter organization know this? I think they may very well have.

Did Musk know it was hollow and the whole "I'll-just-buy-Twitter" thing was his way of exposing the sham and then collapsing Twitter? Yeah, I could believe that too.
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  • Smerc
  • 05-15-2022, 01:54 PM
Some people just like to be seen a certain way. I like to paint the image that I'm "blank", while not spending any part of my actual time outside of online time to focus on "blank". Some people tag along to certain trends due to influence. When people feel that their image is on the line, they'll sometimes take a different path. Some people are too agreeable and can't stand confrontation(even if online) and just go with the popular flow.

It's like how you can press people on certain issues to only find out that very few know anything really in depth about those issues when grilled on it. They rode the hype. Like how people post garbage about these bills being passed without actually reading what's in them.

Bots really mess things up. It's like how shit music climbs real high at the beginning, but drops hard after the marketing(or bot) campaign sizzles. Some people are just present because they feel they need to be. Tribes/groups/echo chambers.

They(twitter) knew about their bot issue I'm sure. It's like how or whatever it was, set up fake accounts to lure people into their site by giving the impression that it's the place to be. Similar to twitter and certain topics. I wonder how many people would be in agreement to ID verification for accounts on twitter. It was brought up. It would for sure hurt them if it came out.

It could be a that he wanted to tank it by painting it as an empty vessel to some degree. It seems like not much paint is needed. I think a lot of people knew, like an open secret. I haven't been following it all that much. I hate both political spheres on twitter and just sit on the sidelines eating my popcorn watching the shitstorms.
Some people just like to be seen a certain way. I like to paint the image that I'm "blank", while not spending any part of my actual time outside of online time to focus on "blank". Some people tag along to certain trends due to influence. When people feel that their image is on the line, they'll sometimes take a different path. Some people are too agreeable and can't stand confrontation(even if online) and just go with the popular flow.

It's like how you can press people on certain issues to only find out that very few know anything really in depth about those issues when grilled on it. They rode the hype. Like how people post garbage about these bills being passed without actually reading what's in them.

Bots really mess things up. It's like how shit music climbs real high at the beginning, but drops hard after the marketing(or bot) campaign sizzles. Some people are just present because they feel they need to be. Tribes/groups/echo chambers.

They(twitter) knew about their bot issue I'm sure. It's like how or whatever it was, set up fake accounts to lure people into their site by giving the impression that it's the place to be. Similar to twitter and certain topics. I wonder how many people would be in agreement to ID verification for accounts on twitter. It was brought up. It would for sure hurt them if it came out.

It could be a that he wanted to tank it by painting it as an empty vessel to some degree. It seems like not much paint is needed. I think a lot of people knew, like an open secret. I haven't been following it all that much. I hate both political spheres on twitter and just sit on the sidelines eating my popcorn watching the shitstorms. Originally Posted by Smerc

I couldn't agree with you more!
Twitter, Facebook, Instigram, ECCIE etc., etc., for the most part, tend to reflect the desire for people to see "us" in a certain way and not the actual (real life) person visible to the rest of the world on a daily basis - a lot of the time it reflects the worst of humanity!!
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  • Smerc
  • 05-16-2022, 09:04 AM
Like those people that post nothing but motivational quotes. Then you see how they live their lives. It's like they're merely cheerleading for other people to do stuff and not them. They should be posting, "I have enough motivation to post this motivational quote, but not enough motivation to act on any of them".
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