Republicans are imploding

It's interesting to watch the republican party implode. Being an election cycle, the candidates are constantly watched and any minor fuck up, perceived or real, could have consequences. So they are paralyzed. This article points out how they fucked up two opportunities to feed their base a hefty helping of red meat. And they shit the bed on both counts. What the fuck is going on in the republican party?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is filled with Democrats.
They are trying their best to be liked by people who will never like them (media, celebrities, other democrats) and they ignore doing the right thing.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
They have a lot of good candidates to choose from. They can smell the blood in the water.

The Democrats have none....because they are all too scared of Hillary.

Talk about paralysis?
What's with the Democrats?
Yeh, the Democrats have a pathological liar, a angry old socialist, a former governor who is a politically correct wimp, and Jim Webb, who is polling behind, "what was the question".
flghtr65's Avatar
They have a lot of good candidates to choose from.

The Democrats have none
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

They have a lot of good candidates to choose from. They can smell the blood in the water.

The Democrats have none....because they are all too scared of Hillary.

Talk about paralysis?
What's with the Democrats? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yeh, the Democrats have a pathological liar, a angry old socialist, a former governor who is a politically correct wimp, and Jim Webb, who is polling behind, "what was the question". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Interestingly, neither one of you addressed the question. What is wrong with republicans? Can a republican win a general election in our current political climate by being an unashamed republican? By not reaching to the middle? Republicans seem to be under the assumption that all a conservative needs to do in order to win is be an unabashed conservative. Well, here were two chances and no one took the lead. What the fuck? The fact that both of you turned it back around on the democrats, tells me you don't know the answer either.
They have a lot of good candidates to choose from. They can smell the blood in the water.

The Democrats have none....because they are all too scared of Hillary.

Talk about paralysis?
What's with the Democrats? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
If they do in fact 'smell the blood in the water' then why not take the lead, make the case for these two things and rally the base around them? Instead, you had 23 people shit the bed, simultaneously.

Say what you will about the dem side, Bernie isn't scared of Hillary. He gives zero fucks.
If they do in fact 'smell the blood in the water' then why not take the lead, make the case for these two things and rally the base around them? Instead, you had 23 people shit the bed, simultaneously.

Say what you will about the dem side, Bernie isn't scared of Hillary. He gives zero fucks. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"He gives zero fucks." And YOU know this because he turned down your offer of letting him pack your fudge and or a blow job down at the 'holes ? Pretty bad to get rejected ( AGAIN ! ) especially from a washed up ugly old communist ! Better take good care of Big Sir if you don't want YET ANOTHER rejection woomby / undercunt . rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !!!
President Obama’s Companion Rep For Criminal Justice Reform Arrested Today! (Bribery, Conspiracy, Wire-Fraud, Racketeering)…

Posted on July 29, 2015 by sundance

You just can’t make this stuff up. Two weeks ago President Obama took fellow Democrat Congressional Representatives with him to Philadelphia where he gave a policy speech outlining a need to reform the criminal justice system.
Today Congressman Chaka Fattah was arrested on federal charges.

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President Obama’s Companion Rep For Criminal Justice Reform Arrested Today! (Bribery, Conspiracy, Wire-Fraud, Racketeering)…

Today Congressman Chaka Fattah was arrested on federal charges.

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. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Is this like the republican churchgoer who gets brought up on forbidden content charges. There's plenty of this to go around. On both sides.
Is this like the republican churchgoer who gets brought up on forbidden content charges. There's plenty of this to go around. On both sides. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I was thinking more along these lines...

Frustrated Federal Judge Threatens To Hold IRS Commissioner, DOJ Lawyers in Contempt of Court over Lerner Emails…

Posted on July 29, 2015 by sundance

During the a status hearing today, Sullivan warned that the failure to follow his order was serious and the IRS and Justice Department’s excuses for not following his July 1 order were “indefensible, ridiculous, and absurd.”

He asked the IRS’ Justice Department lawyer Geoffrey Klimas, “Why didn’t the IRS comply” with his court order and “why shouldn’t the Court hold the Commissioner of the IRS in contempt.” Judge Sullivan referenced his contempt findings against Justice Department prosecutors in the prosecution of late Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) and reminded the Justice Department attorney he had the ability to detain him for contempt. Warning he would tolerate no further disregard of his orders, Judge Sullivan said, “I will haul into court the IRS Commissioner to hold him personally into contempt.”

Judge Sullivan then immediately issued a “Minute Order“:
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I was thinking more along these lines...

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. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So you think emails are more important than someone's life. Good to know. Creep.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Interestingly, neither one of you addressed the question. What is wrong with republicans? Can a republican win a general election in our current political climate by being an unashamed republican? By not reaching to the middle? Republicans seem to be under the assumption that all a conservative needs to do in order to win is be an unabashed conservative. Well, here were two chances and no one took the lead. What the fuck? The fact that both of you turned it back around on the democrats, tells me you don't know the answer either. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's because you are a Bozo and not worth the time to explain it to you.
That's because you are a Bozo and not worth the time to explain it to you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I think it's because I made a salient point and you have nothing to say. Prove me wrong...