Comics and comicbook movies

KingCobra36's Avatar
Who else loves comic ls and is super excited about Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Thor Ragnarok coming out this year.
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
Super excited for them!!!!
This!!! I think this will be the first Thor movie I will see in the theater.

Spider-man Homecoming, too! Super excited about Michael Keaton as the Vulture.
You know what comic would make a bad ass movie? Bitch Planet!
MoviePrince's Avatar
Absolutely and I'm hoping for the best for the Wonder Woman movie.
Eric32's Avatar
I'm mostly excited about both of Marvel movies.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
I'm a long time reader and collector of comics. I'm very excited about all the movies coming out, a tad iffy about the Cloak & Dagger (mid 80s&90s Marvel series) TV show that will be on FreeForm (formerly know as ABC Family)

Also don't forget American Gods starts on STARZ Sunday evening, It's gonna be amazing.